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Gamma Ray

Cheers To The Metal!

Release of a new long-awaited Gamma Ray album "To The Metal" and the third visit of the band to Russia, what possibly could be a better reason for an interview. So we took our chance and caught this forever young rocker for a “small talk” which ended like a "long" one, but with Kai, no suprisingly, it went with a speed of light. So it will for all of you, who are able to read- get to know what animals can be found in Sweden, what "skinny dipping" actually means, defeat the dragon, save the princess and kill the interviewer in the end all the way with Kai, Daniel and Dirk.
Gamma Ray
Gamma Ray
How long this interview gonna take?
Int.: Have no idea, but we don’t have too many questions… obviously not. It’s just 3 pages.
K: Ha-ha, okaaay.
Is it your scarf?
Int.: Yeah, it’s mine.
(Kai checking out his bag)
K: Cause I have the same

“To the metal” is your first album which was realized in even year, what was the reason of it, maybe financial crisis – everybody’s talking about or troubles with label, cause I heard material of new album was ready already back in 2009 year or it wasn’t? And if there was actual meaning behind the fact, that every of your albums was realized in uneven year?

Yeah, I mean, we wish we would have been faster, but this thing with SPV put us back somehow. We started the production, but then we came thru that they have come bankrupt, so we were like slowing down the process until we finally knew we have a new label, and which label. We didn’t see any problem of getting a new label but, of course, SPV in that whole situation wasn’t sure if they’d survive somehow and they wanted us keep on doing with them no matter what is happening for a while. We were not really like concentrating on what we should do until we knew now that we’ve got a new label.
But release in the even year, I’ve never thought about that, wow, that’s just pure circumstances, no meaning at all.

How did it happen that you came up with 3 different art works for new album, whose idea it was and who decided what cover work went with what edition?

Okay, it was simply, we had title “To The Metal” we sent it over to Herve, a French guy, an artist, he made a scribble. We thought that was very cool, but we said, on the other hand it doesn’t really represent the title, because we had like 3 things we wanted to have on a cover like this: metal to a metal thing, cheers to the metal, direction to the metal. We made some suggestions with bakers and stuff, so he went for a second drawing and besides that drinking fang face was just a side product, it was just a pencil drawing, just a scribble, but we liked it very much, we said, “ you should finish it anyhow”, because we definitely wanted to have it as a t-shirt. In the end we went back to his first drawing he did, for some reason we liked it the best, in the end, he had to finish all 3 and then our label said, “why don’t we go and make different covers for different versions”, somehow it’s a brilliant idea, you know, why not ? Who says cover must be the same on every version. Of course, some people might complain, “I’m fan, I have to buy this and that version to get all 3 different covers, but on the other hand, “Hey, you’ve got compensate for all downloads” (laughs) No, that’s not the point, we just thought it was a fun idea.

Lately, Michael Kiske said in one of his interviews, that he liked 2 songs (he didn’t name it though) a little bit more, than the song he is participating. Do you know what songs he liked? Were you discussing about the song with him or when you wrote “All You Need To Know”, you had in mind already, that this song would perfectly go with Michi voice?

Yes, I know, because first songs we sent to him were “Mother Angel” and “Empathy”, he liked it because it’s a kind more relaxed in a way. The thing is I wanted him to sing on that song, because I heard his voice on THAT song. On the other songs I felt pretty comfortable with what I’m doing (laughs). So it was not an option, really.

As you probably know Helloween realized anniversary CD, where they recorded old stuff in new clothes, so to speak. Have you already listened to it, what’s your opinion?
Kai: I haven’t listened to it.
Int.: Why, no time?
Kai: I’m not really…
Int.: Interested?

Kai: Yeah, maybe someday. No, I heard actually one song, they sent me a version of “I Want Out” as pre rough mix. They asked me to play solo, but I didn’t like it at all. So I didn’t want to play on it. I didn’t like it with children choir and stuff, that’s really odd. So I’m kind of refrain from it. Of course, it’s a matter of taste, people might love it, but for me it was strange, freaky song in that way. So maybe I just don’t want to bother with hearing anything else. People ask me for an opinion when I do the interviews I have to say, “Okay, I’ve listened to it”, but I’d rather say, “no, I didn’t”.

And, of course, next question logically will be if you are planning already something on your anniversary, 20 years passed, there must be a bag of remarkable memories filled with good music and shows all over the world. Are you willing to share those magic moments with your fans?

I think we share these moments with fans all the time. I don’t like anniversaries, I don’t like celebrating anniversaries in the way, “Wow, Gamma Ray has been around for 20 years and it’s anniversary album”, anniversaries are for old people – and we might be (laughs), but we don’t want to celebrate that. I think we’ll celebrate that internally in the band. And we actually have a plan for doing something as next step.

Now that new Avantasia is out, the question is if Tobias invited you to participate and what do you think of his composer’s skills.

First of all, Tobi did NOT invite me, I don’t know WHY (laughs), and his composer’s skills are very good. He writes great songs, I think, he has a good ear, a good feel for good melodies and good abilities to make good songs.

Int.: After Ed
Gamma Ray
guy there are no such good bands in Germany as Gamma Ray, Helloween, Blind Guardian. How do you think if there’s any new band in Germany that can succeed in the near future?

Kai (to Daniel): Any ideas?
Blank at the moment, ah… wait, there’s band we got a demo from, which I think is actually pretty cool. It’s more like glam rock in a way, you know, but these guys are very funny and their music kicks ass, they called “Nasty Nuns”
Int.: Ha-ha, cool name!
Kai: Yeah, they’ve got “Motley Crue” thing going on. Maybe they need a little more time to get a bit more mature in music, but for some reason, there’s something about the band.

Every your album has long epic song , except last one, there aren’t any, why so?

We didn’t put too much conceptual ideas into this album. That was direction to write short songs, make short songs, in a way putting them down to the point, not to over saturate it with hundreds, billions solo parts and extra part and stuff. Because when we did set list for “live”, we found ourselves in the situation when we thought, “shit, all those fucking songs are so long”; we always had these long songs, so we said to ourselves, we should try and restrict ourselves to the basics, you know, concentrating on the main part of songs, make like short hit single songs, more than going into big things, we’ve done it too many times and it was pretty refreshing to try to make songs more compact.

You’re always having fun on the stage, making people feel positive. Do you think that many bands take their music too seriously, that there’s no single place for irony left? Does some funny stuff happen to you occasionally?

There’s always some funny stuff happening, but always hard to point out any situation like, “what happened, what was funny?”

Int.: Everything was a big endless fun.

Kai: Yeah, we always have fun, that’s the difference, I wouldn’t say other bands don’t have fun, but they play with more serious atmosphere. We cannot avoid smiling while being on stage and really being happy. That’s it.

Now it’s very common to play the whole album, why you didn’t do it with your new album? Are you planning something like that? Do you think if it’s interesting for fans? For you?

Because we just don’t follow common rules. Of course, we have a feeling that would like to play the whole album, because we do like every song. On the other hand, we know playing time is limited for an evening, you can’t play for 3 hours, at least I can’t, because after that I’d need 2 days off between the shows, and nobody’s gonna pay for that, being on the tour. We said, “Let’s play as many as we can”, we’ve rehearsed 6, and we played 5 songs now in a set, w
Gamma Ray
hich I think pretty much for a new album. Not too many bands do it actually and, of course, people want to hear all classics, so it needs to be a space for it too.

People have different opinions about song “To The Metal”. When you recorded it, are you included classical riffs of metal on purpose, it was the right time to compose another hymn to the Metal, so to speak, to renew “Heavy Metal Universe”?

Yeah, it was kind of like that. What was happening is just: I was in the rehearsal room and I was just jamming around on the guitar, and Daniel was setting up his drums, and all of the sudden I started playing this riff and it was there!!! And Daniel was just stopping to say, “That’s cool, man!” And he sat behind his drums and joined me with a rhythm. It was so much like heavy metal that we said, “This is gonna be metal anthem!” I worked with him on it and I started singing a little bit; it was easily to put together in a way, as it was clear how the song should go. It was not going to be something progressive, it was classic metal hymn. That’s how we saw it.

I remember when we did “Powerplant” and song “Heavy Metal Universe”, there were a lot of people complaining about this song, it sounded like “Manowar”, it was like heavy metal this, heavy metal that. On the other hand, it became Gamma Ray classic and people really enjoy it on the shows. I think it’ll be the same with “To The Metal” it already is. Give it 2 more years and we can’t play a set without it. People will ask for it, even those people who complained before cause they expect us to go for more intriguing stuff, more sophisticated stuff, intelligent…. It’s just all about metal, you know.

Int.: So there’s no more “Heavy metal universe”, only “To the metal” on the shows?
Kai: Well, we can change it from time to time or even play both if we feel like it.

You’ve been in many countries and probably noticed consequences of economical crisis, where it appeared in the most extent, I mean if less people go to the concert, buying CDs, merchandise.

I wouldn’t say less people go to the shows, with us I have a feeling it’s different. I feel like more people go to the shows, but concerning CD sales you can definitely feel that. Of course, it’s not just financial crisis, which is always the excuse for everything, cause you can see people buying all the kind of bullshit, you know: media market items, TVs, cars. It’s more about metal downloads and too many bands.

“Time To Live” again tells us that we should enjoy “todays”, not thinking of tomorrows, what makes you think this way? Do you think people are making too serious plans which never gonna be realized instead of just enjoying life?

Partly yes and no, because I think everyone has t
Gamma Ray
o make their own way. People feel comfortable making long term plans and already now they know where they’re gonna go on holidays in two years, for how long, what time exactly, how place looks like and stuff. Everybody has their own way of life, so if they enjoy it –go for it, but it’s definitely not the way we live. I guess, I’m more like, “let’s live now”, making short terms plans, take the next step. So we don’t say, we have to work on something which in 3, 4, 5 years, be on this and that level, make career this and that way. We just take it from where we are now, what’s the next door, which door looks the best, open that one- alright, okay. How is it look behind? Good? Okay - go for it. Not good, close the door and go for another one. That’s more simple way of going. In the end it leads you to good things as well.

The album starts with track named “Empathy”. Are you talking there that nowadays there’s no real empathy, it’s all hypocrisy, and people just don’t care if bad things are happening not to them?

Yeah, part of it. It came from the dream I had. It was about a hill, where Jesus was on the cross and stuff. I saw those people lying down from the cross. Two roman soldiers - they were so sorry for these guys, then turning around and telling a joke, and actually it’s like this. I don’t blame anyone. Really. I just realized how simple it is: it’s something bad happening in the world, you see it on TV, you say, “Omg, it’s so bad, it’s so poor… so what shall we eat for dinner”. That’s the way of showing empathy today. It’s kind of obscure in a way, it’s kind of the world hides in empathy, people say, “we have to donate”, but in the end it really doesn’t happen. It’s strange, I don’t blame anybody. It occurs to me as another funny way of mankind behavior.

Many people were sad to know that Scorpions decided to stop their existence, do you believe that they actually stop and this is not a trick, and how hard it is, being a musician, to come to a decision like that, do you think?

No, I think it’s not a trick. I think they are serious. I think they won’t survive not doing the music, I mean Rudolf is already thinking about project with Michael and Klause even said, “oh maybe if they’d ask me I’ll join them”, you know, whatever you’ve got. So it’s kind of maybe… they have to stop for awhile to make a reunion. (Laughs) I don’t know, of course, when you are in business for such a long time, you might come to the point when body aches and stuff, and it might look not good. So maybe it’s better to quit in honor, but you never know what’ll happen. Look at “KISS”, how many reunion tours, how many final reunion tours they’ve done already!!! So never say “never”!!

Int.: I hope many years will pass by before Gamma ray comes up with decision like that; you aren’t
Gamma Ray
going to retire, are you?

Kai: Oh, no, no!!! I don’t think so. If people start telling us: “hey men, you’re looking fucking ridiculous on the stage”, then we might think about that.

Song “Wannabes” sounds different comparing to the rest of album and this is new for Gamma, why did you decide to include it only as a bonus track and are you going to record something like that in the nearest future? And plus it has lyrics that not every artist have guts to say out loud, are you really so tired of your fans talking about nothing, girls who’s flirting with you or what made you to write such song?

Oh, yeah, that might be some kind of misunderstanding, we had problems with somebody from Japan, and he was really offended by the lyrics. We never meant to put that song to fans. This song was born out of a situation, which was not first, but it was extreme. When Daniel was in some country and there was a guy, who came backstage and nobody knew who invited him or how he came in. He was getting on everybody’s nerves, was pretending like he knows us forever, one of our best friends; started to make comments about everything, about music, in a way implicated he’d do everything better. Nobody was really interested, what’s fuck he was telling. He was really persistent, annoying person. And this song definitely meant only for those persons, not for fans, not to get it wrong. It was a fun way of putting that out.

It’s a well-known fact that any collector wouldn’t be able to sleep anymore if he accidentally knows any information about existence of some bonus tracks. So if there is any of Gamma Ray which was recorded, but wasn’t published due to some reasons?

There are some dead bodies lying around. From this recording I have one song I haven’t finished. It was bonus track called “one life”, then I started to be not really happy with that, put it aside, I tried to change it completely and I’ve got stuck with that. When I tried to work on one solo part that’s where I got stuck, I’ve got that “Empathy” riff; I put the other thing aside and worked on “Empathy”. This thing is in the middle, it’s a half finished song, which is cool, and it’s very progressive, very different in some way. So I might finish it later time and there’s always some leftovers, but never whole finished songs, it’s more like skeletons. (Laughs)

Lately, many bands have been asked for recording some stuff for computer games, you probably heard that Blind Guardian recorded a song for “Sacred 2” and there’s special quest with characters, which look like band members. Are you interested in such collaboration?

Yes, sure, why not. If somebody would come up and ask us - it’s a good inspiration. You’ve got a game plan, characters and stuff; it gives you some inspiration
Gamma Ray
for music, definitely. So I’d do it anyhow, sure!

Int.: Do you play some computer games yourself?

Kai: From time to time. I’m really hooked up on Zelda, “Legend of Zelda”.

Int.: What kind of game is it?

Kai: It’s role game, you are like a little guy, it’s more like medieval times in a way, with fairies and wizards and, of course, you have to save a princess in the end, get into a castle, find secret places, crack riddles. It’s a mix of fighting and thinking, so I really love this game and there are so many parts already; so when new part comes out - I’m in, I’m there (laughs)
Int.: Should check it out.

Kai: Yeah, remember “Legend of Zelda”.

Imagine that you can make a wish that will come true for sure, what would it be?

Dirk: Peace on earth.
Kai: Good one.
Dirk: More money on my bank account.
Kai: Yeah, good one.

Int.: What else?

Dirk: More free time.
Kai: No, I think there’s enough.
Dirk: I don’t!

Int. (to Dirk): What will you do in your free time?

Dirk: I will start thinking…no… I don’t need to think. (laughs)
Kai: He will think of ways to spend money on his bank account. (Laughs)
Dirk: No, I think I’d play more my instrument, I miss it sometimes. So much to do, so much to organize, so much interviews to do (evil laughs)
Right now, on tour we play almost every day, of course, but I remember last month before the tour …I’d like to increase my piano, guitar and bass playing. I think there’s no time enough; spend more time with my little boy…
Kai: There are plenty of ideas, go for it!

Henjo had to miss some gigs during the tour, how fast did you find replacement for him and how it felt to play without him, same fun or you missed him?

Actually, it was very quickly, because there’s only one guy who could replace Henjo so quickly – Kasperi. He was with us in Russia; as far as I remember, the first time when we were here, it was on “Majestic” tour. He’s great guitar player, he plays in this finish tribute Gamma Ray band – Gardens Of Mankind. And this guy, he’s just amazing! You’re playing him something and it takes him10 minutes to learn it. Scary! And he’s really good, really! It was a quick decision, because we didn’t want to let the gig drop out. So we’ve got him in and he was just there. We felt well as we already knew him. Of course, I missed Henjo, for sure! But on the other hand, it was cool; he was not like something artificial.

Name the best and the worse three parts of being rock star.

Kai: The best thing is you have people doing something you normally should do yourself.

Int.: Like what?

Kai: Like organizing, setting up equipment, organizing food, taxies, whatever.
Worse part – waiting, traveling, hanging around on the airport.
Dirk: Getting attention.
Daniel: Chicks.
K: Chicks, girls… yeah… (Laughs)
Kai to Dirk: What’s being bad about rock star?
Dirk: Being rich.
Kai: Yeah, being rich is very bad.
Here’s a story: another one of wannabes came to Dan and said, “buy me a drink” and Daniel actually bought him a drink, then, “buy me another drink”. And he said, “Why should I do this?”
“Hey, you’re rich, you’re rock star”
Haha, fuck you!!
So, annoying people.

Name the highest points and the lowest points of your musical career to date.

Kai: The highest point I always say now. The lowest point was “Sign No More” and a tour… looking back….yeah, time between “Sign No More” and “Insanity and Genius”, that was time of metal down, metal pretty much fucked up. Kurt Cobain came and ruined everything, and then he shot himself. Great!!! Thank you!!! Actually, that was uncool, in a way.

Now some survey about last things you did

Latest you read.

Clive Cussler. It was one of the Dark Pitt novels. Dark Pitt is a hero and it’s a whole serial bunch of books he wrote. He’s mix of Indiana Jones, James Bond and some other cool guy and it’s always about tycoon who wants to dominate the world or has an evil plan about destroying the world or changing it, whatever. And this guy always gets in between. It’s very fun to read. So, if anybody interested in stuff like that, he’s the best- Clive Cussler. It was the last Arctic…Arctic …(*Arctic Drift * ) Whatever I don’t remember the title. There are so many…

Latest CD you purchased.

(long pause) Well, I normally steal my things, so I don’t buy it. (Laughs)

Kai: I don’t know if it was last one, but it was remarkable ones - Tenacious D “Pick of Destiny” soundtrack.

Latest CD you actually liked.

Kai: The same. (laughs)

Int.: That’s too easy, pick something else!

Kai: Okay, “To the metal”, shit! I’m so blank. Oh, “Winter Songs” from Halford.

Latest movie you saw.

Kai: 2012.

Latest concert you watched from the audience.

Kai: I think, it was something big, shit, I don’t remember. Something’s not metal… I can’t fucking remember! Where was I?

Daniel: What’s the last conce
Gamma Ray
rt you remember?
Kai: Yesterday, but that was not from audience.
Daniel: Edguy?
Kai: nein.
Daniel: Manowar?
Kai: I think it was something like Peter Gabriel.
Daniel: Sting?
Kai: Nicht, ewww
Daniel: Police.
Kai: Eww

Int.: Modern Talking?
Kai: That would be definitely not! (laughs)
I don’t know, I don’t remember, actually, maybe it was Manowar, we went with bunch of people.
Daniel: AC/DC?
Kai: AC/DC? No, I wasn’t there. See… I’m blank…

Last rock star you talked with? Not from your band, of course.

Kai: Last guy besides my guys here – Michael Kiske. Tobi!! I’ve talked to Tobi a few days ago.

Int.: How’s he?

Kai: He’s fucking rock star, he’s fine.

Latest time you got drunk.

Kai: I can’t remember.

Int.: Really?

Daniel: Yesterday?
Kai: That wasn’t enough. No, I’ve never get that drunk; I think I was a bit drunk the day before Moscow, the arrival day, we had some drinks there.

Latest time you were surprised.

Now (everybody laughs)

Latest time you cried.

I think it was before leaving Hamburg. I was at my mom’s grave. That always makes me cry.

Latest time you were angry.

Kai: Mmmm mmmm (singing)
Daniel: Today (whispering)
Kai: No, I wasn’t angry today. I think it was at home before the leaving.

Int.: You were angry at home, what was the reason?
Kai: I think it had to do with my girlfriend; I was not really in good mood. I’m on my way to stop smoking. And that was the beginning of it, and I was really heavy tempered that time, not so easy to deal with. (laughs)

Latest time you get scared.

That was nothing serious, but when we were in Moscow, when we went to the car and guy was driving really… (Trying to pick the right word) strange …

Latest time you wanted to kill interviewer for asking you stupid questions.

Now! (trying to strangle interviewer) (everybody laughs). Actually, I’ve never had that.

Give us some memories about performing or being in the following countries:
First, of course, Russia.

Kai: It’s great here!!! I wish we had more time here to see things and just live here for awhile. People are nice; it’s easy to get into a groove.


Kai: Oh, party, party, party!!!


Kai: Party, party. No, Japan’s a bit different.
Daniel: Suchi!
K: Suchi? Yeah, good food.


Kai: Sucks


Kai: Nice, spaghetti.

The USA:

Kai: We met some great people there. Something in US really do suck, all these laws they have, I feel so restricted there - I hate that, you feel like being controlled all the time, like: no smoking, no standing there, not doing this, not doing that, being like under observation all the time.


Kai: Sweden – nice, nice, very nice.
Daniel: Moose.

Int.: What?

Kai: Moose, an animal.
(Dan trying to show how moose looks like, doing horns)

Int.: Ah, got it (laughs)

Kai: Sweden is great, good shows there, fun.

No we do “Yes or No” questions
Skinny dipping?

Kai: What does “skinny dipping” actually mean?

Int.: I have no idea! I thought you’d tell me (laughs)
Kai: Is it like go naked and jumping into water?

Int.: Yeah, kind of.

Kai: Yes, why not? Sure.

Jumping with parachute?

Yeah, I wanna try definitely!!!

Getting lost in the forest?

Kai: Shit
Daniel: Kai, it’s yes or no questions.
Kai: then noo

Being so drunk that you don’t remember what happened before?
Kai: No

Int.: Never?

Kai: Well, yeah long time ago.

Kai: Forget about your b-day?

Kai: My own? No, too many people remind me.

Play billiard?

Kai: Yes.

Sing karaoke?

Kai: Yeah

Drink the whole bottle of vodka?

Kai: No.

Int.: Why not?
Kai: I’m not stupid.

Int.: Vodka with beer?

Kai: Not really! (laughs)

You didn’t talk with person some days in row because you had a fight?

Kai: Yeah, I think that happened, but it wasn’t me, of course.

Dancing tango?

Kai: Yeah

Int.: Oh, really?

Kai: Well, I’m not good but I can have fun with it.

Watching the same movie 3 times in row?

Kai: In row? No, I let some time pass.

Int.: But what movies you saw many times?

Kai: Quite a few: Tenacious D, Life of Brian, Naked gun.

Int.: I’ll give you a name; you give me an associ… associ… Damn, I can’t pronounce that word!!

Kai: Try it again (evil laughs) what? Situation?

Int.: No way, let’s say it this way: the first thought on your mind, when you hear name…
Andre Matos.

Kai: Angra, good singer.

Timo Tolkki.

Kai: Gone.

Int.: Gone?

Kai: Gone.


Kai: Great singer.

Tobias Sammet

Kai: Good songwriter.(laughs)

Kai Hansen

Kai: (Laughs) Complete bastard.

Hansi Kursh.

Kai: Hm, comes to mind that I haven’t heard from him for a long time… Okay, write down: Call me!!!

Jens Lemann.

Kai: Who? Ah, Jens Lemann. Gone. (laughs)

Michael Schumacher.

Kai: Don’t care.

Rolf Kasparek

Kai: Definitely gone.

Lately, Dan said that he’s not going to continue playing in Freedom Call, were you discussing this with him, how did he come to this decision?

Kai: Maybe that’s a question he should answer

Int.: Too bad he’s gone

Kai: I’ll get him he should answer this!!! But I didn’t discuss it with him before. Daniel?????????

(Daniel enters the room)

Int.: I have a question for you

Daniel: Okay.

Int.: (repeating question)

Daniel: There were some reasons, one reason is that in last years it got too much, because Freedom Call is touring more and more, Gamma Ray is touring too. In 2007 Freedom Call had to take substitute, because I was on the road with Gamma Ray and Helloween for one year and it got too much from me, too much energy… Besides Freedom Call is going different direction, it’s not a band really anymore. It’s just Chris Bay. It was me and it was 4 guys, there was no chemistry, no nothing. I mean we respected each other and it was okay to play, but when we had Ilker Ersin – Bass player and Cédric "Cede" Dupont– Guitar player from Switzerland, when they were in the band, this was the time when we had really good chemistry and play well. But then it got worse and worse, so these are the main reasons. It is too much and I asked
Gamma Ray
guys if they want to play, they have to do it with a different drummer.

(Kai is back into the room.)

Int.: The most annoying and the most shocking questions you’ve been asked.

Kai: The most annoying thing somebody can ask me is “say something about new album”.

Dirk: Not. “Why did you leave Helloween?”

Kai: No, actually, it’s a cool question, because it’s a demand for information, but “tell me something about new album” is the most stupid question anybody can ask, not being specific about anything.

Int.: What about shocking question?

Kai: There are no shocking questions.

Int.: Not at all?

Kai: No, never. Well, there are some intriguing questions anyone can ask – about sex, of course.
But it’s not shocking (everybody laughs)

Int.: Thank you, guys! Have a great show in 10 minutes.

Interview by Familiar Stranger
17 ìàé 2010
the End

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