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Ross the Boss


9 янв 2024 : 
ROSS THE BOSS On His Creative Relationship With JOEY DEMAIO: People Called Us 'The LENNON And MCCARTNEY Of Metal Songwriting'

2 мар 2023 : 
Ex-MANOWAR Guitarist ROSS 'THE BOSS' FRIEDMAN: 'If You Have To Rely On Backing Tracks, I Don't Think You're A Very Good Live Band'

9 фев 2023 : 
ROSS THE BOSS Announces Legacy Of Blood, Fire & Steel "Vinyl Only" Best Of Album

10 ноя 2022 : 
ROSS THE BOSS Says JOEY DEMAIO Firing Him From MANOWAR Was 'The Worst Possible Mistake Ever Made'

19 апр 2022 : 
ROSS THE BOSS Says New Album Is Not In The Works - "Everybody Wants New Music, But Nobody Wants To Pay For It"

1 апр 2022 : 
Ex-MANOWAR Guitarist ROSS THE BOSS On 'Battle Hymns' Re-Recording: 'It's Never Gonna Be As Good As The Original'

8 сен 2021 : 
ROSS THE BOSS Apologizes For 'Insulting' MANOWAR: It's 'Not My Style' To Say Things Like That

7 сен 2021 : 
Ex-MANOWAR Guitarist ROSS THE BOSS Calls Current Version Of Band 'Mediocre', Says Recent Musical Output Has Been 'Terrible'

19 июн 2021 : 
ROSS THE BOSS Says Not Producing METALLICA Was One Of 'Biggest Mistakes' Of His Career

12 апр 2021 : 
ROSS THE BOSS: 'If People Are Not Paying For Music, The Artists Are Just Gonna Give Up'

11 мар 2021 : 
ROSS THE BOSS Releases "Glory To The Slain" Music Video

7 дек 2020 : 

5 дек 2020 : 
ROSS THE BOSS Performs MANOWAR Classic "Kill The Power" Live At Wacken World Wide 2020; Video

4 ноя 2020 : 
ROSS THE BOSS presents Heart Of Steel (Manowar Cover)

23 апр 2020 : 
ROSS THE BOSS Debut "Born Of Fire" Music Video

28 фев 2020 : 
ROSS THE BOSS Debut "Maiden Of Shadows" Music Video

15 фев 2020 : 
ROSS THE BOSS Premier Lyric Video For New Song "Denied By The Cross"

1 фев 2020 : 
ROSS "THE BOSS" FRIEDMAN On Upcoming Born Of Fire Album - "I Never Repeat Myself Stylistically On Any Of My Records, Nor In My Years With MANOWAR"; Video

22 янв 2020 : 
ROSS THE BOSS - Born Of Fire Album Details Revealed

8 янв 2020 : 
ROSS THE BOSS To Release Born Of Fire Album In Late March; Audio Interview

13 авг 2019 : 
K.K. DOWNING - Video Of Complete 4-Song Set With ROSS THE BOSS At Bloodstock Open Air 2019 Available

22 июл 2019 : 
ROSS THE BOSS Talks Upcoming Bloodstock Open Air Show With Guitarist K.K. DOWNING - "We Will Play Three Or Four JUDAS PRIEST Songs"

10 июл 2019 : 
K.K. DOWNING Is 'Really Looking Forward' To Performing Live For First Time In A Decade

8 июл 2019 : 

20 ноя 2018 : 
ROSS THE BOSS Performs MANOWAR Classics At Wacken Open Air 2017; Pro-Shot Video Streaming

3 май 2018 : 
Ex-MANOWAR Guitarist ROSS THE BOSS: 'Devil's Day' Lyric Video
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|||| 1 апр 2022

Ex-MANOWAR Guitarist ROSS THE BOSS On 'Battle Hymns' Re-Recording: 'It's Never Gonna Be As Good As The Original'

Former MANOWAR guitarist Ross "The Boss" Friedman has once again blasted re-recorded versions of the band's classic albums, saying they were "never gonna be as good as the original."

A founding member of MANOWAR, Ross recorded six albums with the band before leaving after 1988's "Kings Of Metal". His work with MANOWAR included such classic LPs as 1982's "Battle Hymns", 1983's "Into Glory Ride" and 1984's "Hail To England".

Friedman discussed MANOWAR's decision to re-record its classic albums during a recent interview with Rat Salad Review. He said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "I think the first thing that they should have done and he [MANOWAR leader/bassist Joey DeMaio] didn't do… I mean, if you're gonna do a classic old record that pretty much put your band on the map, why don't you just get the original lineup back? For 'Battle Hymns', he could have done it; he could have had the original lineup: me, Donnie [Hamzik, drums], Eric [Adams, vocals] and Joey. And having another guitar player and having detuned the songs, it's just not the same; you're not gonna recreate that same vibe, that same magic, that same chemistry that was on the first record. And 'Kings Of Metal' as well. Scott Columbus was the drummer, but we know Scott is not with us. But he still could have gotten either Donnie or Rhino. It's just not the same. And the excuse was, 'Oh, we're doing it for the sound, make the sound better.' You're not gonna get it; it's not gonna be the same. The results, it's never gonna be as good as the original — never. And I'll tell any band that. You're not gonna get the same results; it's just never gonna happen."

Asked what the reason was that he wasn't asked to participate in the re-recordings of "Battle Hymns" and "Kings Of Metal", Ross said: "[Joey and I] don't talk. I'll put it like that. They'll figure it out on Blabbermouth. All the geniuses there, the haters, everybody there, they'll get it."

Earlier in the month, Friedman was asked by Sofa King Cool about the chances of him reuniting with MANOWAR for a tour celebrating the 40th anniversary of "Battle Hymns". Ross said: "You wouldn't say that I don't have a good relationship with my old partner, but it's just not there. I'm not saying things can't magically patch up. But [Joey] doesn't want any part of me telling him what he should be doing. And it's okay. I'm happy with my band, I'm happy with DEATH DEALER, I'm happy with THE DICTATORS. Hopefully I'm gonna be very, very busy. I don't have to be in a band with a tyrant."

This was not the first time Friedman had been critical of his former band and DeMaio in particular. Last September, Friedman told Waste Some Time With Jason Green about the circumstances surrounding his exit from the group more than three decades ago: "When a band gets big and the money hits, greed, avarice and evil takes place. A guy that I thought was my partner wasn't," he said, referring to DeMaio. "So he wanted me [out]. He goes, 'You've gotta go.' I go, 'Really? I've gotta go why? I've gotta go why? We're equal partners, 50 percent. Why do I have to go? Why don't you go?' The whole thing is he was so — his antics and his bullshit was so insane that I had it up to [my neck] with him. When you have it up to [your neck] with someone, you've just gotta go, 'Get the fuck outta here. I can't take this anymore.'

"[It was] ego, greed, avarice, evil [that caused me to depart]," he explained. "When [Joey] met me, I had already four major albums. He had done zero. Joey DeMaio was nobody. When he met me, I had already done four. I had no will to fight him. If I were to fight him, I would have killed him. He's just a fucking pariah… You can't live with that. My heart couldn't take it. I can't take evil. And I know people are gonna be… [It's gonna be] hard [for them] to hear that, but I'm better off now. I really am."

Ross went on to say that he had never been approached about returning to MANOWAR. As for whether he would consider playing with the band again, he said: "Well, if the financial arrangements were right. But [Joey is] the kind of scumbag that would never have that… I'll never say no, but you never know. I just called him a scumbag, so… It's not gonna happen. He's secure in the fact that MANOWAR are mediocre fucking pieces of shit right now. What they're putting out to the public [is] just terrible."

After BLABBERMOUTH.NET published Ross's comments from the Waste Some Time With Jason Green interview, he sent a short statement conveying a more conciliatory tone. "I would like to apologize to MANOWAR, the fans and Joey for the insult," he wrote. "If anyone knows me, you know that's not my style for saying things like that. I violated my own rule. Again, I am truly sorry."

Ross later expressed his remorse further in an interview with Italy's, explaining that he never should have allowed his original comments to reach the general public.

"Let me say right from the start it came out of my mouth and I take full responsibility for what I said," Ross said. "But I usually edit all my interviews. Journalists will send it back to me. Jason Green is a good guy, and he said, 'I will send it back to you and we'll go over it.' 'Cause you never know if you want it to go out to the public. For some reason, I never did that in this situation with that interview. I know part one I did, and part two I didn't, for some reason. Now, if I would have saw that, do you think I would have let that out? No. But you know something? People say things, and sometimes they just say things. And I definitely said that.

"Let's just say MANOWAR's music now is different," he continued. "I'm not gonna say what I said; I'm just gonna call it different. It's different from my six records, the band that was playing when I was in the band. That's all I'm gonna say.

"And as far as my attack on Mr. DeMaio, well, that's my business with him. And I aired it, and I shouldn't have aired it — calling him the 's-bag' word. And it was quite unprofessional of me. And I violated my own rule. My own rule being… I always knew this. My father told me when I first started — God rest his soul — he goes, 'Ross, if you don't have anything good to say about someone, don't say it. You'll do better in life.' If I didn't have anything good to say, I shouldn't have said it. And it was unprofessional of me.

"I still think that MANOWAR is different, and I have my issues with Joey," Ross added. "But as far as everything else, I do apologize for my unprofessionality."

Ross was one of the pioneers of both punk rock and heavy metal. First crashing on the scene with THE DICTATORS and with such classic albums as 1975's "Go Girl Crazy!", 1977's "Manifest Destiny" and 1978's "Bloodbrothers", Ross helped trailblaze punk rock (just to put it all in perspective, "Go Girl Crazy!" arrived a full year before the RAMONES' debut, and two years before THE CLASH's and SEX PISTOLS' debuts). By the end of the '80s, Ross had reconnected with his DICTATORS bandmates in MANITOBA'S WILD KINGDOM, which served as a bridge between his love of punk and metal, as heard on the group's popular 1990 debut, "…And You?" Throughout the remainder of the decade, Ross also played with such groups as THE HELLACOPTERS and THE SPINATRAS, before THE DICTATORS reunited, which resulted in several new releases starting from the late '90s all the way through the early 21st century. Also around this time, Ross joined forces with former of BLUE ÖYSTER CULT drummer Albert Bouchard in the band BRAIN SURGEONS. With Ross's main focus turning to metal music at this time, two additional projects were launched — DEATH DEALER and his solo outfit, ROSS THE BOSS.

Ex-MANOWAR Guitarist ROSS THE BOSS On 'Battle Hymns' Re-Recording: 'It's Never Gonna Be As Good As The Original'


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2 апр 2022
Перезапись классических альбомов это всегда плохая идея. Люди вложили в них частичку тогдашних себя, а сейчас они и изменились, и банально постарели. Так же хорошо точно не будет, зато на контрасте станет заметно, насколько ребята сдали.
2 апр 2022
Я уважаю́ Росса и за вклад в классику Manowar и сольники у него крепкие. Но этот жанр "нытье отставника" надоел. Лидер группы всегда прав. Если не прав - создавай свою группу и будь ее лидером. Как-то так.
2 апр 2022
>>>Перезапись классических альбомов это всегда плохая идея

Twisred Sister, EdGuy...
2 апр 2022
Оригинальный состав, химия и т.п., это все лирика. А вот перезапись в пониженном строе, чтобы изрядно подсевший вокалист успевал петь и не захлебывался, есть крайне сомнительная затея, если не сказать наёбка. Давайте еще потом вариант сделаем, когда Эрику стукнет 80.
Росс тут не ноет, имеет полное право критиковать, песни то его тоже. Просто слишком мягко и не очень внятно объясняет.
2 апр 2022
Росс сам как будто бы таких авторемейков не делал.... Но да, в таких работах обычно заметен возраст причем не столько физический, сколько душевный. Причем почти никогда авторы не могут придумать ничего интересного. Можно было бы собрать лучшие песни с ранних работ, пригласить кучу гостей, добавить оркестровки ... А просто переиграть пониже и помедленнее, что бы вокалист справился... Скучно. Причем это не только Manowar касается.
2 апр 2022
Что за херня с сайтом?куда подевался старый дизайн и таблица с новостями?
2 апр 2022
Так журналисты спрашивают постоянно об этом (фантазии же нет), потом вырезают и дают такие отрывки в качестве новостей... Тот же Блаббермаут и т.д. Как будто это музыкант сам бегает за журналистом и требует "а давайте поговорим о том, какое говнецо перезаписали Мановар! вы хотите поговорить об этом?" Более того, журналист изначально настроен на ответ про говнецо, и специально в общем то подбирает вопросы... А потом музыканты - нытики, ага...

просмотров: 4528

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