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Paradise Lost


1 июн 2024 : 
PARADISE LOST - Symphony For The Lost Available As Limited Edition Double LP Picture Disc

3 мар 2024 : 
PARADISE LOST Live At Rockpalast 1995; Full Concert Video Streaming

17 ноя 2023 : 
NICK HOLMES Hopes To Complete Songwriting Process For Next PARADISE LOST Album In 2024

3 ноя 2023 : 
Hear 'Embers Fire' From PARADISE LOST's Re-Recorded Version Of 'Icon' Album

6 окт 2023 : 
PARADISE LOST Announces Release Date For Re-Recorded Version Of 'Icon' Album

29 авг 2023 : 
PARADISE LOST To Get Into 'Serious Songwriting' After 'Icon' 30th-Anniversary Shows

21 авг 2023 : 
PARADISE LOST Completes Re-Recording 'Icon' Album For 30th Anniversary

8 авг 2023 : 
PARADISE LOST Is 'Slowly' Working On Next Studio Album

23 май 2023 : 
PARADISE LOST To Re-Record 'Icon' Album For 30th Anniversary

24 мар 2023 : 

8 сен 2022 : 
PARADISE LOST Parts Ways With Drummer WALTTERI VÄYRYNEN, Announces Replacement

19 июл 2022 : 

19 апр 2022 : 
PARADISE LOST – Gothic EP To Receive First Ever Vinyl Reissue

27 янв 2022 : 
No Celebration: The Official Story Of PARADISE LOST - Expanded Edition Available In March In Boxset And Standalone Book Versions

26 янв 2022 : 
PARADISE LOST Vocalist NICK HOLMES Guests On New Electronic Industrial PLYTHE Single (Streaming)

22 янв 2022 : 
PARADISE LOST Guitarist GREG MACKINTOSH - "I Hate Symphonic Metal, I Detest Symphonic Metal, But In Dribs And Drabs If It's Done Right, It Can Sound Amazing"

17 янв 2022 : 
PARADISE LOST Drummer WALTTERI VÄYRYNEN Films Playthrough Video For "Hope Dies Young"

3 сен 2021 : 
PARADISE LOST To Release The Lost And The Painless Collection In November; Includes Studio, Demo & Live Material From Band's Early Years

19 июл 2021 : 
PARADISE LOST Debut Official Live Video For "As I Die"

22 июн 2021 : 

15 май 2021 : 
PARADISE LOST To Release 'At The Mill' Blu-Ray

22 янв 2021 : 
PARADISE LOST Postpone Obsidian Show To 2022, Release "Last Desire" Lyric Video

29 ноя 2020 : 
PARADISE LOST Unveil "Enchantment" Lyric Video

14 ноя 2020 : 
PARADISE LOST - Limited Edition Dragonian Times Hot Sauce Available For Pre-Order

20 окт 2020 : 
PARADISE LOST To Live Stream November Show

23 сен 2020 : 
PARADISE LOST: 25th-Anniversary Reissue Of 'Draconian Times' To Include Disc Of Rare And Previously Unreleased Material
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|||| 27 авг 2019

AARON AEDY Confirms PARADISE LOST Is Working On Follow-Up To 'Medusa'

Impact metal channel conducted an interview with guitarist Aaron Aedy of British gothic doom pioneers PARADISE LOST prior to the band's July 11 appearance at Rockmaraton festival in Dunaújváros, Hungary. You can watch the entire chat below. A few excerpts follow (transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET).

On whether PARADISE LOST is working on the follow-up to 2017's "Medusa":

Aaron: "Yes. That's why we're sort of slowing down the touring. We only got five more shows left including tonight. I think Nick [Holmes, vocals] and Greg [Mackintosh, guitar] have already started writing. That's exciting. Waiting for that to come together and starting to rehearse new songs and whatnot. I haven't heard anything yet, so I can't give anything away. Knowing them two, it will be a bit miserable and very PARADISE LOST."

On the feeling he gets when listening to his own music or performing on stage:

Aaron: "I love it. The thing is, the reason we formed PARADISE LOST 31 years ago was to make the music we wanted to hear for our own pleasure. The reason we're still going 31 years later is because we still enjoy what we're doing and we're still writing for ourselves. We're lucky that other people seem to like it as well, but we never wanted to make an album that we thought people would like just to appease fans. We're our own biggest critics, first and foremost. If we're happy when we release [an album], then hopefully people will like it, too. Playing live, personally, I absolutely love playing live. I get lost in the music. I love it. Being part of it organically over the years has been one of the most wonderful things to enjoy. That's why I'm getting excited for album number 16, whatever that's going to be called."

On whether PARADISE LOST would consider playing another one of their studio albums in full live as they did in 2010 for "Draconian Times" and 2016 for "Gothic":

Aaron: "It depends if it feels right. We were getting asked for a long, long time, probably about 10 years, to do 'Draconian Times' in its entirety, but we wanted to wait until we had written an album that was heavier than 'Draconian Times' so it didn't seem like we were just going back to something like a cash-in. When we got around to doing it, when we rehearsed the songs, we were, like, 'Fucking hell, these songs were great.' When we were in the rehearsal room, it was great. I love 'Shades Of God'. There were songs on there we hadn't played for years. It was great to do. 'Gothic' was interesting to do as well because some of those songs, we were 19 or 20 when we wrote them. Doing those songs was really interesting. Some songs more than others, but there's some great songs on that record, and just adding the modern guitar and we've improved as players as well over that time. It's quite interesting to go through them again. We're not against it. We're very proud of all our material. I don't know… It'd be quite interesting to play 'One Second' or 'Icon', which would be quite good. That would be quite good to do, actually. There's some great, classic PL songs. We were talking about the 'Chaos A.D.' tour [in support of SEPULTURA in 1993] we had just released 'Icon' for that, then we toured Europe in February, March after that tour. It was such a wonderful time. That album was great, and was a springboard for 'Draconian Times'. You never know. I think 'Icon' might happen before 'One Second'. We haven't discussed it all, so there's no plans. If somebody comes along and offers it… We don't feel compelled to do it to earn money or anything. If we feel comfortable doing it, we'll do it just for the joy of doing it and sort of revisiting old songs. There's quite a few songs on 'One Second' that I haven't played for years, like 'Disappear', and 'This Cold Life'. I love playing that one live. It would be great to do. There's loads of them we could do. There's 15 albums down the road. We could tour all the time doing old albums. You never know. Never say never, there are no plans at all in the offing. But we're not against it. We quite enjoyed the two times we'd done it."

"Medusa" was released in September 2017 via Nuclear Blast. The artwork was created by Branca Studio and shows the infamous Gorgone Medusa from Greek mythology, carrying venomous snakes as hair and turning anyone into stone who would dare to look into her eyes.

AARON AEDY Confirms PARADISE LOST Is Working On Follow-Up To


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27 авг 2019
Последний альбом был худой!
27 авг 2019
Я и последний материал до конца не смог дослушать.
27 авг 2019
Даёшь Хост!
Или одноимённик с Символом напару.
27 авг 2019
хз я с него охуел, но на самом деле слушал уже давненько в последний раз
27 авг 2019
Там пару хитов есть и всё.
27 авг 2019
Последний > Предпоследний
Половина хитов. Часто слушал. Тру.
А Plague какой-то не такой и звук гитар неприяный, синтетический.

В последнем сбивают с толку почти никакие по запоминаемости вторая и третья песня. А остальное - зашибись.
27 авг 2019
Отличный, проверенный временем коллектив!
27 авг 2019
Вообще PL всегда збс.
27 авг 2019
Хост! Белив ин нафин!
27 авг 2019
Oloir, ты нехороший чел, т к хуесосишь Тарью, но здесь ты молодец. Только, несмотря на наши комменты, выпустят они опять уг, как и начали его делать 12 лет назад.
27 авг 2019
Н-да, врядли в таком ключе будет.
Нудноватые альбомы(хотя, это неотъемлемая их часть), но звучание и атмосфера прикольные были.
Вот в 2005 хиты аж слезу прошибали, с 5 песни и до конца. Такой надрыв в Холмсе и Греге.
2007 сначала плевался, потом долго слушал.
2009 уважаю, но что-то он мне быстро надоел.
Вот Идол и Чума пока никак не лезут в уши. Может, потом расслушаю.
27 авг 2019
голосую за One Second
29 авг 2019
One Second крут!

просмотров: 7160

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