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27 фев 2024 : 
SAVATAGE Guitarist CHRIS CAFFERY Looks Back On Opening For METALLICA And OVERKILL In 1984 - "They Always Say Follow Your Dreams; My Dreams Seemed To Follow Me"

19 окт 2023 : 
SAVATAGE Guitarist CHRIS CAFFERY Pays Tribute To CRISS OLIVA On The 30th Anniversary Of His Death - "I Miss You More Than Ever"

3 сен 2023 : 
SAVATAGE's 'Ghost In The Ruins' To Be Released On Vinyl With Bonus Tracks, Liner Notes, Photos And Memorabilia

23 апр 2023 : 
JON OLIVA Says Upcoming SAVATAGE Album And Tour Will Be His 'Way Of Saying Goodbye To Everybody'

10 апр 2023 : 
ZAK STEVENS Hints At New SAVATAGE Music, Says Fans Should 'Keep Being Patient'

1 дек 2022 : 
SAVATAGE Classic Poets And Madmen To Be Re-Relesaed On Vinyl In December; Unboxing Video Streaming

16 май 2022 : 
SAVATAGE - LP Reissues Of Gutter Ballet, Streets - A Rock Opera Hit The Top 10 On German Charts

9 май 2022 : 
SAVATAGE Vinyl Reissue Series Continues With Two Milestones: Gutter Ballet And Streets - A Rock Opera, Available Now; Unboxing Video

7 фев 2022 : 
CHRIS CAFFERY 'Would Love To See' A New SAVATAGE Album Happen: 'I'm Lined Up And Ready'

9 янв 2022 : 
CHRIS CAFFERY Is 'Optimistic' There Will Be A New SAVATAGE Album

24 июн 2021 : 
SAVATAGE - Entire Studio Album Catalogue To Be Reissued On Vinyl; Video Trailer

14 июн 2021 : 
JON OLIVA Has Enough Material For Three New SAVATAGE Albums

2 дек 2020 : 
Original SAVATAGE Drummer STEVE "DOC" WACHOLZ - "I Probably Would Still Be Making Music With Those Guys If CRISS OLIVA Was Still Here"

13 ноя 2020 : 
SAVATAGE return?

17 янв 2020 : 
SAVATAGE Guitarist CHRIS CAFFERY Shares Rare Fan-Filmed Video Of 2001 Cleveland Show - "I Miss That Band..."

3 дек 2019 : 
SAVATAGE's Gutter Ballet Album Turns 30, Guitarist CHRIS CAFFERY Looks Back - "It Was A Very Special Time In My Life"

13 апр 2017 : 
SAVATAGE Frontman ZAK STEVENS Pays Tribute To PAUL O'NEILL - "Paul Wasn't Only A Boss, He Was My Friend Who Gave Me The Best Opportunities Of My Life"

5 окт 2015 : 
ZAK STEVENS Talks The Next Steps For SAVATAGE - “JON OLIVA Writing The Best Songs Since ‘Streets’ Or ‘Gutter Ballet’”

9 сен 2015 : 
SAVATAGE's JON OLIVA 'Stopped Drinking And Eating' In Preparation For WACKEN OPEN AIR Performance

19 авг 2015 : 
SAVATAGE - Pro-Shot Live Footage Of "24 Hours Ago" And "Dead Winter Dead" At Wacken Open Air 2015 Posted

12 авг 2015 : 
Guitarist CHRIS CAFFERY Discusses The Future Of SAVATAGE - “The Ultimate Decision For Savatage Is Up To JON OLIVA”; Audio

10 авг 2015 : 
SAVATAGE - Rumours Of More Shows In The Works And Possible New Album Continue To Grow

31 июл 2015 : 
SAVATAGE Reunites For WACKEN OPEN AIR Festival Performance; Video Available

16 май 2015 : 
SAVATAGE: 'Return To Wacken' Audio Samples

4 май 2015 : 
SAVATAGE: 'Return To Wacken' Collection Due In June

12 янв 2015 : 
JON OLIVA Wants To 'Get In Shape' And 'Knock People Out' At SAVATAGE Reunion
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|||| 13 ноя 2020

SAVATAGE return?

In a new interview with Al Pitrelli (ex-Megadeth, Savatage, Trans-Siberian Orchestra) that will be published in the next few days, the guitarist talked about the possibility that Savatage will return to activity:

Q: Many hoped that the concert in Wacken meant an imminent return of the band to the stage. Is there any news about it? Have you ever talked about it among yourselves? Have any of you written any new music?

Al Pitrelli: "Jon Oliva is a fantastic musician and is always working on new music, constantly sending me new songs and new ideas. When we work for TSO we sit down together at the piano and listen to his ideas for new Savatage songs. We always talk about doing something, I would like more than ever to get the band back together and back on tour. I know the fanbase in Europe would be delighted, and it would be nice to be able to do that. Yes, we talk about it a lot and I think one day we will because, as I told you, the world changes in a moment and I don't want to one day have the regret of saying, 'We should have done it when we could!' Let's try to live to the fullest and not wait to do something, let's do it! I can't wait for that day... I don't have a date, an hour, or an exact plan, I just know that we all want it very much."

Q: So at the moment there haven't been more concrete discussions with agents or promoters?

Pitrelli: "That's right, for now it's just chatter between us, we're just a bunch of friends saying, 'Dude, it would be nice to pick up and tour.' Until recently we were saying, 'Okay, now let's finish the winter tour and then start planning a spring tour, or a new album, or the next winter tour', really, it's a full time job just to keep the car running. It's the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, and in the midst of it we were like, 'It would be nice to go play in Europe in the summer', there are so many possibilities.

"Like I said, sometimes life takes over, like when you hang out with your best friend and you say, 'Wow, why haven't we talked to each other in three years? Ah, right, I've had children, you have had children...', you know, sometimes life gets in the way, particularly as one gets older and other responsibilities take over. What I do know is that we all talk about it often, particularly now that we have a lot of time to talk. The conversation is still open, I spoke to Chris Caffery just this morning, he greets you, by the way. Jeff Plate, Johnny Lee, we all talk about it all the time, it's just a matter of saying, 'Okay, let's leave this pandemic behind and focus on the important things in life!'"


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13 ноя 2020
Держим пудовые кулачищи, чтобы однажды это произошло! Да еще и с новым альбомом... эх!
13 ноя 2020
А нафига это надо ? Очередная группа стариков которая собралась не потому что куча новых классных идей а потому что кончились деньги и можно срубить бабла на ностальгии по прошлым временам . Тот Сатавтеч 80х и 90х остался на аудио и видео записях и сейчас они не достигнут и половины того уровня креатива . Тем более что все участники никуда из музыки и не уходили и регулярно выпускают альбомы очень близкие по духу их родительской группе .
13 ноя 2020
а есть ли смысл после смерти O'нэйла?
13 ноя 2020
Есть, ибо начинали они очень бодро и без всякого О'Нила
13 ноя 2020
Благодаря Trans Siberian Orchestra - одному из самых коммерчески успешных музпроектов США - деньги у них не закончились и вряд ли закончатся. Так что этот фактор здесь отпадает напрочь. Тем более, что Savatage никогда и не были сильно прибыльной группой. И одно дело, когда каждый по отдельности сольники пилит, и совсем другое - работа полноценной группы. И да, они вполне справятся без О'Нила, хотя он и сыграл важную роль. Но это ведь не покойный Крис Олива

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