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The Halo Effect


2 фев 2024 : 

22 ноя 2023 : 

29 окт 2023 : 
THE HALO EFFECT To Release First Song From Upcoming Album Before End Of The Year

12 сен 2023 : 

29 авг 2023 : 
THE HALO EFFECT's Upcoming Album Is Not Huge Departure From Debut: 'It's Definitely The Same Type Of Genre'

2 авг 2023 : 
Vocalist MIKAEL STANNE Reveals THE HALO EFFECT And DARK TRANQUILLITY Will Release New Albums In 2024 (Video)

9 июл 2023 : 
THE HALO EFFECT Perform Live At Wacken Open Air 2022; Pro-Shot Video Streaming

30 июн 2023 : 
THE HALO EFFECT Is Mixing Second Album: 'It Sounds So Good'

19 май 2023 : 

1 май 2023 : 
THE HALO EFFECT To Release New Single 'Path Of Fierce Resistance' Next Month

20 фев 2023 : 
Watch: THE HALO EFFECT Debuts Two Brand New Songs During Swedish Tour

18 окт 2022 : 

22 сен 2022 : 
THE HALO EFFECT To Record New EP This Winter

7 сен 2022 : 
Ex-IN FLAMES Guitarist JESPER STRÖMBLAD Opens Up About His Addiction: 'Being A Drunk In Denial, That's Like A Full-Time Job'

6 сен 2022 : 
THE HALO EFFECT's NICLAS ENGELIN: Streaming Has Made Music More Disposable

1 сен 2022 : 
THE HALO EFFECT - Pro-Shot Video Of "Shadowminds" Performance At Wacken Open Air 2022 Streaming

22 авг 2022 : 
THE HALO EFFECT's 'Days Of The Lost' Becomes First Debut Album From Metal Band To Enter Swedish Chart At No. 1

13 авг 2022 : 
Former IN FLAMES Members Didn't 'Overthink' The Songwriting Process For THE HALO EFFECT: 'We Just Stick To What We Know Best'

12 авг 2022 : 

1 авг 2022 : 

27 июл 2022 : 
MIKAEL STANNE: THE HALO EFFECT 'Started Out As A Project' But Has Since Become 'A Proper Band'

26 июл 2022 : 

24 июл 2022 : 
ANDERS FRIDÉN Doesn't Care About Supposed 'Rivalry' Between IN FLAMES And THE HALO EFFECT

19 июл 2022 : 
NICLAS ENGELIN Says JESPER STRÖMBLAD's Alcohol Addiction Is 'An Ongoing Battle': 'He Has His Demons To Fight With'

14 июл 2022 : 
Former IN FLAMES Members Didn't Want To 'Invent Something New' With THE HALO EFFECT Debut

23 июн 2022 : 
PETER IWERS Says 'There's No Rivalry' Between THE HALO EFFECT And IN FLAMES
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|||| 20 фев 2023

Watch: THE HALO EFFECT Debuts Two Brand New Songs During Swedish Tour

THE HALO EFFECT, the new project featuring five former members of the Swedish metal band IN FLAMES — Jesper Strömblad (guitar),Daniel Svensson (drums),Peter Iwers (bass),Niclas Engelin (guitar) and Mikael Stanne (vocals) — debuted two brand new songs, "Become Surrender" and "The Defiant One", during its just-completed three-date Swedish tour. Fan-filmed video of the performances in Gothenburg (February 17) and Malmö (February 18) can be seen below.

THE HALO EFFECT is planning to enter the studio later this year to record a new LP. The upcoming effort will be the follow-up to THE HALO EFFECT's debut album, "Days Of The Lost", which entered the official chart in Sweden last summer at position No. 1. This was believed to be the first time a debut LP from a metal act had ever topped the chart in Sweden in its first week of release. "Days Of The Lost" also landed at No. 6 in Germany.

"Days Of The Lost" came out on August 12, 2022 via Nuclear Blast.

Asked in a recent interview with Tomar Uma if THE HALO EFFECT is a "band" or just a "project", Mikael said: "It is definitely a new band. It started out as a project or an idea, but because of the time we had, I think we made it into a proper band and we wanna treat it as such because we want to make sure that we do everything we possibly can to make this as good as it possibly can be. We wanna do some tours; we wanna do cool festivals. And we're already starting to plan for more recordings and the next album and that kind of stuff. So everybody's just excited. And because it felt good and we were on a roll… You really can't hold Niclas and Jesper back once they get started. So they've already started writing new stuff. Let's keep up. It's gonna be a lot of work [laughs] the next couple of years, that's for sure."

Stanne was also asked if "Reroute To Remain", IN FLAMES' sixth album, which came out in 2002 and featured Jesper, Peter and Daniel, was an influence on the way THE HALO EFFECT approached the songwriting process. He responded: "I don't think so. I love that album — I think it's fantastic — but no, I don't think so. But, obviously, the other guys were a big part of it, so maybe that's something… They had that experience, so that will color and will somehow affect them. But I don't think it ever came up, so I don't think that was a particular influence. But, of course, everything is a part of what you do, right?!"

In June, Iwers was asked in an interview with Australia's "Scars And Guitars" podcast if he would agree that "Days Of The Lost" is, in some ways, a "spiritual successor" to "Reroute To Remain". Peter said: "Ooh, interesting. I haven't really thought about it. When you make music, like we do, you tend not to overthink stuff — you just go in and you write music and kind of know that what comes out will sound a certain way because of the style that we are playing and how we are playing and performing our music. So I haven't really thought about it, but maybe — maybe. It was definitely nothing intentional. We just went in. We had a bunch of ideas and we came out with a bunch of songs that happen to sound a certain way. But none of us really overthought it and it was never meant to 'it's gonna sound like this' or 'it's gonna sound like that.' We just [went], 'Let's write this music and see what happens.' And because of, like I said, how we're playing, it will sound a certain way."

Added Daniel: "A lot of people like to analyze music, and, of course, it sounds Gothenburg metal-ish because we all are from that genre and we are some of the people that kind of created it. So, of course, it will sound Gothenburg metal-ish, IN FLAMES-ish. And then which era, I don't know. And as Peter said, we don't really think about how it should sound. This is how we sound today, and with our legacy this is inevitable, that we sound as we do."

Continued Peter: "Obviously, people like to do a lot of comparing between us… It's a difficult topic to discuss because none of us have — even though we've all been in IN FLAMES at some point, none of us have really thought about this as what you're saying. But then a lot of people that we speak to say it. So it's a little hard to take in, as we've been very thorough in just writing music. But I'd say it's a little flattering to hear it."

Svensson, who joined IN FLAMES in 1998, announced in 2015 that he was leaving the group to focus on his family life.

A member of IN FLAMES since 1997, Iwers issued a statement in November 2016 saying that he was exiting the band "to pursue other endeavors."

A founding member of IN FLAMES, Strömblad quit the band in February 2010 in order to continue receiving treatment for his alcohol addiction.

Strömblad's THE HALO EFFECT bandmates have been supportive in his ongoing battle with the bottle, going so far as to hire THE HAUNTED's Patrik Jensen to fill in for him at any gigs he is unable to play.

Engelin has been sitting out IN FLAMES' tour dates for the past four years but has never officially confirmed his departure from the band. Engelin's replacement for IN FLAMES' live shows and in the recording studio since then has been former MEGADETH and current ACT OF DEFIANCE guitarist Chris Broderick.
Halos! Swedish tour alert: Both the Stockholm and Gothenburg shows are now completely sold out, but there are still some tickets remaining for Malmö.

Halos! Swedish tour alert: Both the Stockholm and Gothenburg shows are now completely sold out, but there are still some tickets remaining for Malmö.


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20 фев 2023
а какая разница, если все они одинаковые)?
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