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17 фев 2024 : 

6 янв 2024 : 
OPETH Founder DAVID ISBERG To Release Second Poetry Book

17 ноя 2023 : 
OPETH Release "Windowpane" (The Lost Tape); Video Streaming

19 окт 2023 : 
OPETH Announce 20th Anniversary Vinyl Edition Of Damnation Album

25 янв 2023 : 
OPETH's MIKAEL ÅKERFELDT Pays Tribute To DAVID CROSBY: 'He Crafted So Much Fantastic Music, It's Incredible'

20 сен 2022 : 
Watch: OPETH Plays First Concert With New Drummer WALTTERI VÄYRYNEN

10 сен 2022 : 

9 авг 2022 : 
MARTIN 'AXE' AXENROT's Vaccination Status Led To His Exit From OPETH, Says His BLOODBATH Bandmate

27 июн 2022 : 

6 май 2022 : 
OPETH's MIKAEL ÅKERFELDT Releases Soundtrack From NETFLIX Series 'Clark'

28 мар 2022 : 
OPETH Drops Previously Unreleased Song 'Width Of A Circle', Announces 'In Cauda Venenum (Extended Edition)'

27 ноя 2021 : 
Watch OPETH's Entire Atlanta Concert

17 ноя 2021 : 
OPETH Plays First Show With Drummer SAMI KARPPINEN (Video)

17 ноя 2021 : 
OPETH Parts Ways With Longtime Drummer MARTIN 'AXE' AXENROT

27 июл 2021 : 
OPETH's MIKAEL ÅKERFELDT Says He Has Been Working On Score For NETFLIX Series 'Clark' Since March 2020

16 июл 2021 : 
OPETH Premier Official Lyric Video For "Harvest"

15 июл 2021 : 
OPETH Frontman MIKAEL ÅKERFELDT Looks Back On Writing Blackwater Park Album - "Our Future Looked Bleak, Just Like The Song"

11 июл 2021 : 
MIKAEL ÅKERFELDT Reflects On OPETH Classic Blackwater Park - "A Cross Between Death Metal, Black Metal And Jazz Chords"

20 апр 2021 : 
OPETH Celebrating Blackwater Park Album's 20th Anniversary With Special Edition Vinyl And Merchandise; Now Available For Pre-Order

9 окт 2020 : 
OPETH: Paperback Version Of 'Book Of Opeth' Includes Extra Text And Photographs

23 июл 2020 : 
OPETH Live At Hellfest 2017; Pro-Shot Video Of Full Performance Streaming

10 июл 2020 : 
OPETH Announce European Tour Dates For March 2021; THE VINTAGE CARAVAN Confirmed As Support

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18 фев 2020 : 
OPETH's MIKAEL ÅKERFELDT Suffering From 'Acute Laryngitis'; Band Cancels Three Shows On North American Tour

28 янв 2020 : 

25 янв 2020 : 
OPETH Keyboardist Understands Fans' Frustration Over Lack Of Death Metal Vocals On Band's Recent Albums
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|||| 17 авг 2009

OPETH Frontman On \'The Single Most Embarrassing Show We\'ve Done With This Lineup So Far\'

Guitarist/vocalist Mikael Åkerfeldt of Swedish progressive metallers OPETH has issued the following update:


"Yes, what that headline means is basically 'code' for fucking up during a show, which is what happened to us yesterday at the Summer Breeze festival [in Dinkelsbühl, Germany].

"I guess we'll be able to laugh about this in a few years. Or maybe not. Horrible and embarrassing it was, I tell you.

"Everything was perfect, set for a fantastic show. We're headlining the whole event and right before we went on stage we're pumped. Really! Crowd was screaming, going crazy, and as the intro started running....yes, magic in the air!

"Walking on stage, I was blown away by the amount of people there. It looked as if the every people at the fest was there to see us. Amazing! Very powerful sight indeed.

"Then as we go into 'Heir Apparent', I notice the following:

1: My stage sound is horrible,
2: Why can't I hear Fredrik [Åkesson, guitar] and
3: What the fuck!?

"I start nodding to our monitor guy to get Fredrik's guitar up. Then I kinda glance over to Fred to see what's up. Now, I see our guitar tech running around like a monkey around Fred's amp. It's fucked up. His guitar is not even there. It's dead silent! Fuck! Normally I start fast-forwarding the song in my head to see if he has any breaks on his own...stuff I might have to play instead, while also trying to play good and remember the lyrics. Fuck...Yes, there's a part he plays on his own! Gahhhh! For some reason, his guitar kicks in for that part (which is clean guitar) and then cuts out again as the distortion comes back on. Fuck!

"The whole song is done with only my guitar and by now we've lost the plot. I virtually wanna walk off stage. But we hang in there. Unfortunately....

"Some time before 'Ghost', we play an impromtu version of 'Soldier Of Fortune', only that there's no guitars (since we have the open tuning guitars on us), there's no bass (Mendez forgot the song) and overall it's... not... good! There's also some strange funk jam between Mendez and Axe [drums] going on which is absolutely horrible since they can't hear each other at all. Sounds like they're playing a 'groove' on their own. But... it doesn't groove.

"I believe there was a desperate drum stick dropping drum solo somewhere as well.

"Next song, 'Ghost Of Perdition', is done with some fucking shit sound the managed to get through Fred's amp and the song sounds horrrible and loose from start to finish. Shit. Fuck, Cunt. Fuck!

"After this abomination of a version, Fred leans over and says, 'Talk some shit, I'll be up and running properly soon.' So I talk some shit, then goes into a half-assed version of 'Harvest', asking the crowd to sing. Now, all of a sudden we're faced with the following: No-one's singing. Couldn't they hear me? They don't know the words? They wanna see me sweat? So it's basically a (horrible) instrumental version of the song which kinda falls apart after a verse and a chorus, to little or no applause. I might add. Gulp! I'm not sure whether the 30,000 people out there hates us by now or what. I just wanna get done and go home! Haha!

"To be honest, round about now we start gluing things back together and the remaining part of the set goes back to 'normal,' more or less, only that I guess our faces look disillusioned and 'sad,' haha!

"Anyways, the crowd slowly gets back into it and by the end it's....nice, I guess.

"We had people coming up to us and say it was great, fantastic. I've no idea but it's the single most embarrassing show we've done with this lineup so far. We always 'deliver,' but this time technical problems had us looking like wankers. So basically we just wanna say sorry to the fans who saw us there expecting (and rightfully so) a professional show. It wasn't, but as I said, maybe we'll laugh about it in....200 years.

"The town/village where we had our hotel was absolutely stunning, by the way. Dinkelsbühl was the name of that town and I suggest you visit. Beautiful!

"Anyways, we just got back home. The cabdriver who drove us was drunk and probably had the swine flu.

"Anyways, we'll crawl back under the rocks to lick our wounds, so hopefully we'll be back on form for the next show which is on Belgium I believe. Mussels and Duvel, here we come!

"Take care my friends and wipe that smirk off yer faces, will ya? I know you think the above was funny..."


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17 авг 2009
"Дерьмо. Чёрт!" - в оригинале было написано так:
Поправьте в переводе))
17 авг 2009
Да всё нормально,всё бывает.Главное,что человек с самоиронией.
17 авг 2009
главное, фэны отнеслись с пониманием!!!
17 авг 2009
"Водитель такси, который вёз нас, был пьян и, вероятно, болел свиным гриппом. " ахахха, Микаэль в своем репертуаре)
17 авг 2009
Миша, не злоупотребляй Duvel перед тем, как садиться писать в блогах! =)))
17 авг 2009
с кем не бывает
17 авг 2009
Что такое "Не везёт" и куда его засунуть. Сочувствую=)
17 авг 2009
Ничего себе у них публика в Германии:

":Были люди, которые подходили к нам и говорили, что всё было здорово, фантастически. "

Это при том, что одна гитара не работала, вторая лажала, и периодически пропадал вокал. Недаром говорят: на концерты ходят не послушать, а головой потрясти. Им даже не подпевали, настолько было пофиг! Долбит че-то со сцены, и ладно.

А Опет молодцы, не сдались, пытались доиграть. И видно, что сам они, в отличие от "публики", заботятся, чтобы их музыка звучала вживую качественно.
17 авг 2009
Beaumain, ну, обратная ситуация, как в России, тоже не радует... После любого концерта читаешь "звук - гумно", даже если всё было здорово. Думаю, что тот фанат просто пытался их подбодрить)
17 авг 2009
Хе, я бы на это глянул, особенно улыбнуло про Мендеса, который песню забыл!))
17 авг 2009
Всяко дерьмо случается, не нужно падать духом-неудачные дни бывают у всех... Так что чуваки всё равно молодцы)
17 авг 2009
marshall666,был там около года назад,тогда не проверяли,сейчас не знаю.
18 авг 2009
Да нет конечно, кому это надо??

А Opeth повеселили:)
18 авг 2009
У звукотехника потом наверняка очко неслабо болело.
18 авг 2009
После концерта за кулисами Миша превратился в иллюстрацию песни Demon Of The Fall - и больше звукотехника никто никогда не видел...
18 авг 2009
Beaumain, публика в Германии привыкла поддерживать своих любимых музыкантов, а не фукать на всех без разбору, как принято в России.
18 авг 2009
"Я прогугливался по сцене", "Мы всегда «лажаем»" - это пять!!!!!
18 авг 2009
Про водителя автор отжёг:) А ещё здесь есть мораль: не зря слово "киборг" наоборот читается как "гробик", а если в слове "мобилка" сделать одну ошибку, получится "могилка"...:)
19 авг 2009
не пойму они что без саундчека играли??
если они хедлайнеры - и забили на чек, то что потом оправдываться.
или это вина организаторов?

просмотров: 5182

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