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13 июн 2024 : 
CHUCK BILLY: 'Most Of The Drums' Are Recorded For Next TESTAMENT Album

9 июн 2024 : 
TESTAMENT Announces Remastered Versions Of 'The Legacy' And 'The New Order'

2 май 2024 : 
TESTAMENT Is Recording New Album: 'It's Happening'

20 фев 2024 : 
Watch: TESTAMENT Plays Special 'The Legacy' + 'The New Order' Set In Connecticut

1 фев 2024 : 
CHUCK BILLY On Next TESTAMENT Album: 'We Have To Get It Done And Record It Before July'

19 янв 2024 : 
New TESTAMENT Album Is 'Definitely Well On Its Way', Says ALEX SKOLNICK

17 ноя 2023 : 
TESTAMENT Is Working On New Song Ideas: 'Crushing Riffs' And 'Super Thrashing Drums'

24 авг 2023 : 
New TESTAMENT Drummer CHRIS DOVAS: 'I Just Wanna Keep Making The Band Sound Good'

1 авг 2023 : 
TESTAMENT's ERIC PETERSON On Realities Of Post-Pandemic Touring: 'It's A Challenge'

24 июл 2023 : 
TESTAMENT's PETERSON And DOVAS Have 'Worked Up Seven New Jam Ideas' For Next Studio Album

18 июл 2023 : 
New TESTAMENT Drummer CHRIS DOVAS: 'I'm Here To Stay'

17 июл 2023 : 
New TESTAMENT Drummer CHRIS DOVAS Shares 'D.N.R. (Do Not Resuscitate)' Audition Video

28 июн 2023 : 
ALEX SKOLNICK Says TESTAMENT Has 'Close To Half' A New Album's Worth Of Music Written

23 июн 2023 : 
TESTAMENT's Complete Catalog Acquired By NUCLEAR BLAST

20 июн 2023 : 
TESTAMENT Has Five Or Six 'Killer' New Songs Written For Next Studio Album

19 июн 2023 : 

13 июн 2023 : 
Watch TESTAMENT Perform At Finland's ROCKFEST

4 июн 2023 : 
Watch: PHIL DEMMEL Plays With TESTAMENT In Pratteln, Switzerland During Spring 2023 European Tour

29 май 2023 : 
Watch: PHIL DEMMEL Plays First Concert With TESTAMENT At Germany's ROCK HARD FESTIVAL

28 май 2023 : 
Watch: TESTAMENT Performs As Four-Piece At Opening Concert Of Spring 2023 European Tour

25 май 2023 : 
TESTAMENT's ALEX SKOLNICK To Sit Out European Tour Dates; PHIL DEMMEL To Step In

8 май 2023 : 
Watch: TESTAMENT's CHUCK BILLY Says 'LOMBARDO Who?' While Introducing New Drummer CHRIS DOVAS In Colombia

25 апр 2023 : 
CHUCK BILLY Hopes To Get New TESTAMENT Album Recorded Before End Of 2023

17 апр 2023 : 
TESTAMENT's ERIC PETERSON Says New Drummer CHRIS DOVAS Will Make The Band 'Heavier And More Precise Than Before'

16 апр 2023 : 
DAVE LOMBARDO To Sit Out TESTAMENT's 2023 Shows, Says Future With The Band Is Uncertain

14 апр 2023 : 
TESTAMENT's CHUCK BILLY Says 'It Was Great' Playing With DAVE LOMBARDO Again Last Year
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|||| 1 авг 2012

TESTAMENT Frontman Says Musicians Need More Protection From Overzealous Fans

Vocalist Chuck Billy (pictured below) of San Francisco Bay Area metallers TESTAMENT is one of a number of musicians who have come out in support of LAMB OF GOD frontman Randy Blythe, who is facing manslaughter charges in the Czech Republic.

Blythe, 41, is accused of causing the fatal injury that occurred at LAMB OF GOD's May 24, 2010 show in Prague. The singer allegedly either pushed or struck a 19-year-old fan named Daniel N. — a guitarist in a local metal band — and that person died almost a month later of bleeding in the brain.

Randy has been charged with causing "bodily harm of the fourth degree, resulting in the death of a fan" and faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted.

Speaking to Full Metal Jackie on this past weekend's edition of her nationally syndicated radio show, Billy said (via Loudwire), "When you're onstage — in Randy's situation, he's a guy that wears glasses, and I've read that it's hard to really see, especially in the dark when things are going crazy and you're banging your head. I've had guys come up, banging my head, and next thing you know they're almost tackling me. It's surprising and you can handle it different ways."

He continued, "In my young years, there's forty people offstage onto the top of the crowd and you don't really think about that, about the impact. In Randy's case, it's unfortunate because you really don't know what happened beyond that stage, you don't know what happened after the kid was off the stage. Something else could have happened or [been] involved in [causing] the end result. It's just a really bad situation, even thought the parents are maybe lookin' for justice, but to bring it onto the band like that… It's not like Randy assaulted somebody or was purposely coming after someone. It was almost kind of [like he was] just protecting himself from being either pushed out into the crowd or somebody actually really up there to hurt him, so you're put in a weird situation and it's happened to us before. I've gotten sued for hitting someone with my mic stand and made it through it, but it makes you think, 'Wow, what kind of protection do you have up here?' Ever since those days, I've told promoters, we got to have a barricade, we got to have security. We're not playing unless we have it, because it's so out of control. It's just a sad situation."

Asked if he feels like there are going to be big changes implemented in the way venues handle security due to what's been going on in the Blythe case, Billy said, "I hope. It's just a shame when you go buy a ticket for this concert that there's not some sort of clause or something at the back of the ticket and you're buying the ticket at your own risk. There needs to be something like that, some sort of protection. If there was something like that, and someone who violated who came up and been approached three times, it'd be pretty cut-and-dried, but there doesn't seem to be anything that protects the musician, artist, or venue [from] that kind of situation. . . It's like me up there getting up there saying, 'Okay, I want everybody in the pit or do the 'Wall Of Death' [where crowds split into two groups and then charge each other like a battle in the movie 'Braveheart'. — Ed.], and somebody gets hurt. It's the old saying, 'If I told you to jump off a bridge, would you jump?' So it's a really tough spot to be in."


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1 авг 2012
как в ситуации с Randy, который носит очки, я читал, что видеть без них весьма сложно, особенно в темноте,
В оригинале он не произносил фразу "без них" (и правда, зачем выходит на сцену без очков, если у тебя плохое зрение - если уж стесняешься, или неудобно, надевай линзы, так многие очкастые металлисты делают, от Хэтфилда до Какко), он просто сказал "he's a guy that wears glasses, and I've read that it's hard to really see, especially in the dark" - возможно имелось ввиду, что если у парня плохое зрение, то в темноте видеть тяжело
1 авг 2012
Рэнди сам говорил в своём интервью из тюрячки, что не надевает на сцене очки, потому видит только размытые контуры.
1 авг 2012
Просто надо побольше верзил у сцены ставить от всяких стейдждайверов-долбоёбов. Про металлоискатели не буду говорить, они вроде во всех клубах есть. Больше особо и не надо ничего делать, мы же не в мавзолей идём, поглядеть на дедушку Ленина, который покоится под бронированным стеклом.
1 авг 2012
Deze: а Вы видели Рэнди на сцене в очках?
1 авг 2012
Deze: а Вы видели Рэнди на сцене в очках?
Но раз он не в очках, значит он в линзах. Фраза из тюрячного интервью пе поддается проверке банальным здравым смыслом - зачем выходить на сцену, если "видишь только размытые конткуры" ? Почему не воспользоваться изобретением человечества под названием "контактные линзы" ?
1 авг 2012
А зачем ему вообще видеть рожи каждого фэна? Любой, кто хоть раз стоял на сцене, подтвердит, что когда твой взгляд выхватывает из толпы конкретные лица, это отвлекает от того, чем ты за этой самой сцене занимаешься. Один из советов сценических режиссеров как раз гласит: ВСЕГДА смотреть поверх голов.
1 авг 2012
а тексты с пола как читать тогда? :)
1 авг 2012
Писать их шрифтом Брайля, в драматичные моменты падать на колени и лихорадочно ощупывать одной рукой.
1 авг 2012
Писать их шрифтом Брайля, в драматичные моменты падать на колени и лихорадочно ощупывать одной рукой

Правильные указания, тащем-та, или же выводить проектором на стену,тогда помощь с зала обеспечена.
1 авг 2012
Deze: А с чего такой вывод? Вы что, знаете какой у него + или -, что так уверенно утверждаете про линзы? В темноте, ваще то, всем видеть тяжело, ну кроме котэ и других более приятных, чем людишки существ.
2 авг 2012
Никита, тексты надо учить, как стихотворения в школе))

А читать их с пола имхо халтура, всё равно, что петь под фанеру

просмотров: 5514

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