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8 июн 2024 : 
Report: Sony Music In Talks To Buy QUEEN's Music Catalog In Potential $1 Billion Deal

23 апр 2024 : 
QUEEN Launch New Video Trailer For Upcoming "Queen Rock Montreal" Release

18 мар 2024 : 
QUEEN To Release 'Queen Rock Montreal' In May

17 мар 2024 : 
QUEEN Guitarist BRIAN MAY On FREDDIE MERCURY - "People Think He Was Just Concerned With The Lighter Stuff But It’s Not True; Freddie Was A Good Riffmeister, He Did Enjoy The Heavy Stuff, Too"

29 фев 2024 : 
Late QUEEN Frontman FREDDIE MERCURY Could Be Back On Stage In Hologram Form; Trademark Filed For His Name In 3D And Virtual Reality

15 фев 2024 : 
Harp Twins CAMILLE AND KENNERLY Perform QUEEN's "Who Wants To Live Forever"; Video

14 фев 2024 : 
QUEEN's BRIAN MAY Says DAVID BOWIE Removed His Guitar Riffs On "Under Pressure", And He Never Liked The Results - "I Think It’s Probably The Only Time In My Career I Bowed Out"

11 фев 2024 : 
QUEEN Concludes "The Greatest Live" Video Series With Episode 100

4 фев 2024 : 
QUEEN Release The Greatest Live: "Tribute To FREDDIE MERCURY"; Video

13 янв 2024 : 
QUEEN Release The Greatest Live: "I Was Born To Love You"; Video

18 дек 2023 : 
QUEEN Release The Greatest Live: "We Will Rock You"; Video

11 дек 2023 : 
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17 ноя 2023 : 
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|||| 24 ноя 2015

ADAM LAMBERT Says He Studied Video Footage Of FREDDIE MERCURY Performing With QUEEN

"American Idol" finalist Adam Lambert — who has been singing for QUEEN on their tours, filling in for his idol Freddie Mercury — was asked by U.K.'s Absolute Radio if he studied video clips of Mercury's performances with QUEEN in order to prepare for the role as the band's new frontman. He responded (see video below): "I did do some studying, yeah. I felt like I really needed to. To be able to get on stage and front the band, I had to do my homework, you know. And I was pretty familiar with the band before that. But when I first started working with them about four years ago, that's when I kind of went into the Internet and just scoured everything and checked out live performances."

He continued: "Montreal was one that kind of stuck out to me; it's the concert where he's running around in shorts, with no shoes on. I just thought that was the funniest thing in the world. I have to say watching him in that zone really made me understand him even more — 'cause he just didn't give a shit. He was, like, 'I'm gonna do whatever I want' — in rock-star fashion. He really kind of… I don't know… I think he kind of defined what a rock star was to me. When I started really getting into QUEEN when I was in my early 20s, I went, 'Oh, that's rock and roll. He doesn't actually care. And he's so fabulous doing it.'"

Speaking about the similarities and differences between Mercury and Lambert, QUEEN guitarist Brian May said during a press conference in Brazil in September: "Well, there are differences, you know, but I think perhaps the greatest thing about Freddie is his connection with people, with an audience, and Adam has that. And I don't think that's something you can learn; I think it's something which you either perhaps have in you or not. You have to dedicate yourself, and Adam, like Freddie, is dedicated to his art. But without that — whatever that wonderful talent is — I don't think it would happen. When Adam walks onto a stage, it's not Freddie, and it's not him trying to be Freddie, but when Adam walks on and when Freddie walks on, something happens; there's some kind of catalytic action that happens between people, and it's a very rare and special thing. So I would say that's something that Adam and Freddie share, and I know that Freddie would agree with that. I mean, without even speaking about the voice. I mean, the voice… they both had, and have, incredible voices — the kind of voice that you don't find in a billion people. And, of course, the voice is very special, but it's not enough. You have to have the will and the spirit to use that wonderful instrument that you've been given to make that connection."

Lambert, May and Taylor first shared the stage during "American Idol" in May 2009 for a performance of "We Are The Champions". They teamed up again in 2011 at the MTV European Music Awards in Belfast, Ireland for an electrifying eight-minute finale of "The Show Must Go On", "We Will Rock You" and "We Are The Champions" and in the summer of 2012, Lambert performed a series of shows with QUEEN across Europe as well as dates in Russia, Ukraine and Poland. They also performed three sold-out gigs at London's Hammersmith Apollo.

After completing QUEEN's most recent European tour in January, May described Lambert as the only singer the band had found capable of filling Mercury's shoes. "Adam is the first person we've encountered who can do all the QUEEN catalogue without blinking," said May. "He is a gift from God."

Lambert, for his part, downplayed the Mercury comparisons, saying: "There's never going to be another, and I'm not replacing him. That's not what I'm doing. I'm trying to keep the memory alive, and remind people how amazing he was, without imitating him. I'm trying to share with the audience how much he inspired me."

Lambert released his third studio album, "The Original High", on June 16 through Warner Bros.

ADAM LAMBERT Says He Studied Video Footage Of FREDDIE MERCURY Performing With QUEEN


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24 ноя 2015
>>>«Да, я кое-что изучал, я считал, что это необходимо. Как выходить на сцену, и что такое быть фронтменом группы.
>>>Монреаль стал для меня просто чем-то — это тот концерт, где он был в одних штанах, без ботинок. Я подумал, что это одна из самых смешных вещей на земле.

Этот дебил изучил штаны Фредди и понял, что такое быть фронтменом Queen. Брайан Мэй, остановись, пока не поздно!
24 ноя 2015
Просто пиздец!!!Нахуй этого придурка!
24 ноя 2015
Вот он, достойный преемник Фредди, возможно, ни в чем ему не уступающий! Рок-звезда XXI века!
24 ноя 2015
После изучения записей с Фредди Ламберт тоже стал пидрилкой. Надеюсь, он будет умнее, и когда будет засовывать члены себе в анус, он будет помнить о бесславной кончине предыдущего пидора-вокалиста Queen.
24 ноя 2015
jack_s_mother, нихрена как бомбануло :DDD Латентный что ли?))))
24 ноя 2015
Нет, просто наконец-то это Серж.
24 ноя 2015
Ну хоть без косметики на фото и то хорошо. Посмотреть как он выглядит по крайней мере, а то вечно размалеванный.
24 ноя 2015
HELLECTOR, Серж - это твоя мамаша. Привет ей передавай, и пусть всё-таки новый альбом Ламберта дослушает до конца, там есть прикольные песни.
24 ноя 2015
Сомнений не осталось.
24 ноя 2015
Нет, не верю. Серж любил Фредди помнится и даже кое-как мирился с его заднеприводностью.
24 ноя 2015
Именно поэтому так ласково - "пидрилка")
Впрочем, время покажет.
24 ноя 2015
Сам догадаешься, кто и что тебе покажет?
24 ноя 2015
Агрессивные чмошники меня не впечатляют ни разу. Не трудись и ты.
24 ноя 2015
В общем, не думаю. У Сержа был свой уникальный почерк. И раскочегаривался он до уровня "мамаш" далеко не сразу.
24 ноя 2015
Вижу ты и сам понял.
24 ноя 2015
О каком ещё Серже вы тут второй день втираете?
24 ноя 2015
Ахах, Серж, я думал ты помер))
24 ноя 2015
Ребята, если вы думаете, что я Серж, то я буду вынужден вас огорчить.
24 ноя 2015
Глядя на маразматичного блацкмора, этот проект кажется вполне нормальным. Блацкмору еще диму еблана осталось позвать на вркал для радуги.
24 ноя 2015
Похоже поет (но не в песне выше:))). Хотя мне пофигу на Queen. Очень нравяться несколько вещей, но никак не пойму, почему их так все нахваливают. Однако скажу, что на слух все же легко отличаю Фредди, и понимаю, почему язык не поворачивается назвать его пидором, а вот Ламбер напоминает ручную обезьянку Мэя. Ну, нет у него огня в глазах. И работает он как технарь из ПТУ в ДЭЗе на практике.
24 ноя 2015
Jack's mother. Как, кстати, тебе последний альбом металлики с Лу Ридом?
24 ноя 2015
Это че за Бибер поет песни Куин ?
25 ноя 2015
ufx, кал тот ещё, уж лучше и правда Ламберта послушать.
26 ноя 2015
Чот голос напомнил унылого старичка из Манилла Роад) такого безголосого еще поискать надо было.

просмотров: 7539

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