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Dee Snider


13 фев 2024 : 
DEE SNIDER Says 'Something Is Lost' When Bands Rely Too Heavily On Backing Tracks During Live Shows

10 фев 2024 : 
Watch More Clips Of TWISTED SISTER's DEE SNIDER As Decapitated Skull In 'Here For Blood' Horror-Comedy

24 янв 2024 : 

29 дек 2023 : 
DEE SNIDER: Wrestler MICK FOLEY Inspired Me To Be A Charitable Human Being

24 дек 2023 : 
DEE SNIDER Blasts SPOTIFY CEO DANIEL EK, Says He Is 'Not Getting Anything' From The Music Streaming Service

7 дек 2023 : 
DEE SNIDER: 'Free Speech Is A Right. It Is Also A Privilege.'

26 ноя 2023 : 
DEE SNIDER Doesn't Believe DONALD TRUMP Is Racist: 'He's A Salesman Looking For Someone To Buy His Product'

11 ноя 2023 : 
Former TWISTED SISTER Producer TOM WERMAN Has 'No Idea' Why DEE SNIDER 'Trash-Talked' Him So Much

31 окт 2023 : 
DEE SNIDER On 'The Greatest Enemy Of Free Speech'

24 окт 2023 : 
DEE SNIDER Is Totally Fine With Israel Defense Forces Using 'We're Not Gonna Take It'

21 окт 2023 : 
DEE SNIDER Is 'Done' Making Solo Albums: 'I'm Not Feeling This Urge'

16 окт 2023 : 
DEE SNIDER Has No Interest In Going Into Politics

21 сен 2023 : 
DEE SNIDER's Original Graphic Novel 'He's Not Gonna Take It' To Finally Arrive In November

8 сен 2023 : 
DEE SNIDER Says METALLICA's 'No Repeat Weekend' Concept Is 'Self-Serving': 'It Only Appeals To A Small Percentage Of The Crowd'

13 авг 2023 : 
DEE SNIDER Blasts Bands Who Wait Too Long To Retire: 'I See People Singing 'Crazy Nights' And They're Not So Crazy Anymore'

13 июл 2023 : 
DEE SNIDER Insists He Is 'A Moderate': 'We Are The Majority' And 'We Decide, Not The Crazies On The Extremes'

11 июл 2023 : 
DEE SNIDER Once Again Blasts ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME: 'They're Elitist Mothereffers'

21 июн 2023 : 
DEE SNIDER On 'Cancel Culture': 'You Don't Have To Cave, You Don't Have To Apologize If You Did Nothing Wrong'

18 июн 2023 : 
DEE SNIDER On Why He Sold His Catalog: 'It's Math'

10 июн 2023 : 
DEE SNIDER Remains Defiant: 'You're Not Canceling Me' And 'You're Not Shutting Me Up'

7 май 2023 : 
DEE SNIDER Responds To Cancelation Of His Performance At SAN FRANCISCO PRIDE

5 май 2023 : 
DEE SNIDER's Performance At SAN FRANCISCO PRIDE Canceled After His Support Of PAUL STANLEY's 'Transphobic Statement'

11 апр 2023 : 
DEE SNIDER Unveiled As Doll On Singing Competition 'The Masked Singer'

1 мар 2023 : 
DEE SNIDER's First Fictional Novel, 'Frats', To Arrive This Spring

20 фев 2023 : 
DEE SNIDER Believes His Comments About ROBERT PLANT And RONNIE JAMES DIO Were Misinterpreted

29 янв 2023 : 
DEE SNIDER Says It's 'Very Frustrating' When People Assume He Supports All Politicians Who Use 'We're Not Gonna Take It' At Campaign Rallies
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|||| 6 авг 2020

DEE SNIDER Blasts TRUMP's Coronavirus Response: He 'Failed To Bring The Country Together Over Something Really Important'

TWISTED SISTER frontman Dee Snider has once again slammed President Donald Trump over his handling of the coronavirus outbreak.

Trump has been criticized by some parts of the media for downplaying fears about COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, or actively spreading misinformation about its repercussions. Last month, he shared a viral video showing doctors spreading unsubstantiated information about the coronavirus, including that the hydroxychloroquine is a "cure for COVID." The president has also resisted wearing a mask when in public places, to much criticism from those who say he is setting a poor example for supporters and furthering the politicization wearing a mask.

Snider — who got to know Trump personally after appearing more than once on "The Celebrity Apprentice" — was asked for his opinion of Trump's coronavirus response in a new interview with Consequence Of Sound. He said (see video below): "We've been at each other's throats. The country's been split in two over so many different things. The political divide has been massive. And [this is when] you're supposed to say, 'You know what? We can argue about these other things and disagree, but this is affecting and hurting all of us. We need to come together and fight this as one people,' as Americans have done throughout history. Yet the president's response, the White House response has been to politicize it and separate us more and make it about politics instead of about joining together and helping each other. So this was an opportunity to really bring the country together over something really important, that rises above all the other B.S. in the world. And he failed to do that, and we're seeing the results.

"I live in Belize now, and Belize is a little country and we're COVID-free," he explained. "They shut the borders. They made wearing a mask mandatory — $5,000 fine first offense; prison — for real — second offense. Curfews, military police on the streets. If you're on the streets, you go to jail. [They were] arresting people on the streets if you stay out past curfew. As a result, we have no COVID.

"You have to make the punishment strong, but people were following it, and we have no COVID — we're not in fear for our lives.

"This situation required a powerful effort from the governing bodies, and [the Trump administration] failed to deliver it," Dee added.

The coronavirus pandemic upended the music industry, forcing theaters, concert halls and most live performance venues to go dark. This has had a massive economic effect on the majority of professional recording artists and performing musicians, who rely heavily on touring and live performances as their main source of income.

"The destruction that this is doing to the independent art scene, whether it's music, film, painting, whatever it is, we'll eventually recover, but I don't know when because it can't afford what's happening to it," Snider told Inlander last month. "What we're going to be left with is the corporate world that has the resources to survive, but without independent art on every level — and that's what creates the next fad, the next movement, the next style.

"It comes from independents. The independent labels, independent bands, independent venues, and they're all suffering death blows right now," he continued. "You can't stop rock 'n' roll — I've said it, and it's true, whether it be in basements, garages or bedrooms. It'll never die. But this is a very brutal blow right now. I hope we come out of it into some semblance of dignity and inspiration because we need young minds, fresh ideas."

Dee is currently promoting "For The Love Of Metal Live!", which was released on July 31 via Napalm Records. The DVD/Blu-ray and accompanying live album (available in various formats) features audio captured from several Snider festival performances worldwide — from the United States to Europe, Australia and beyond. In addition to tracks from Snider's solo catalog, like "I Am The Hurricane" and "For The Love Of Metal", TWISTED SISTER favorites such as "I Wanna Rock" and "We're Not Gonna Take It", and even a cover of AC/DC's "Highway To Hell", the audio portion of "For The Love Of Metal Live!" also features a brand new original studio track, "Prove Me Wrong".



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6 авг 2020
"Я сейчас живу в Белизе, а Белиз — маленькая страна"
Один только Нью Йорк кишит людьми больше, чем эта страна целиком, столько полиции нет чтобы соблюдать порядок во время пандемии, тем более местные чиновники топят за свободу, мол только в тоталитарном Китае позволено заточать людей в их собственных домах.
В Нью-Йорке тупо все станут банкротами если целый город будет сидеть дома. Счета за жильё я полагаю в Белизе поменьше будут.
6 авг 2020
Т.е., до этого, потомки янки и дикси пятки друг друг лизали, но пришёл злой Трамп и всё испортил.

>у нас была возможность по-настоящему сплотить страну
Ага, когда в Техасе был ураган, все антитрамповцы злорадствовали и называли это божьей карой за их политический выбор.
6 авг 2020
Прекрасная хиппи-формула - Everybody get together.
Но вот не работает. Точнее работает, но только в том виде, что морды друг другу не бьем.
Однако не всякую бабу склеишь, и не всякого мужика не взбесишь.
Трамп тут не поможет, это биология.
Это вопросы будущего, пока все в процессах. Когда "сплотимся" - неизвестно
6 авг 2020
Здесь теперь в каждом комменте рекламный баннер? Здорово.
6 авг 2020
Чтобы нигде не было рекламных баннеров достаточно установить AdGuard, или подобное.
Тишина и покой.
7 авг 2020
Эх, посоны, а как славно МЫ ВСЕ жили при Обаме!... )))
7 авг 2020
А где цитаты про Байдена? Или админ за него топит?
Надо было сажать тогда в молодости этого любителя жёстких мер.
7 авг 2020
Ты был Избранником! Предрекали, что ты уничтожишь ситхов, а не примкнешь к ним. Восстановишь равновесие Силы, а не ввергнешь ее во мрак!

просмотров: 3199

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