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Fear Factory


2 май 2024 : 

18 апр 2024 : 
Watch Drum-Cam Video Of FEAR FACTORY's PETE WEBBER Playing 'Demanufacture' In Colorado

14 апр 2024 : 

19 фев 2024 : 
Watch FEAR FACTORY's Entire Orlando Concert During January/February 2024 North American Tour

8 фев 2024 : 
FEAR FACTORY's DINO CAZARES Picks METALLICA's 'Ride The Lightning' Over 'Master Of Puppets', Explains Why

15 янв 2024 : 
FEAR FACTORY's DINO CAZARES: 'We've Gotta At Least Put A' New 'Single Out Before The End Of The Year'

27 дек 2023 : 

26 дек 2023 : 
New FEAR FACTORY Singer MILO SILVESTRO: 'It's A Compliment' When People Say I Sound Like BURTON C. BELL

21 дек 2023 : 
New FEAR FACTORY Singer MILO SILVESTRO Says He Had The 'Right Sound' And Vocal 'Style' For The Gig

15 дек 2023 : 
FEAR FACTORY's DINO CAZARES: 'People Are Excited That We're Singing These Songs How They Are On The Record'

27 ноя 2023 : 
Watch: FEAR FACTORY Joined By BUTCHER BABIES' HEIDI SHEPHERD For 'Martyr' Performance In Munich

24 ноя 2023 : 

5 ноя 2023 : 
DINO CAZARES Isn't Concerned About Being Sole Remaining Member Of FEAR FACTORY's Classic Lineup

23 окт 2023 : 
FEAR FACTORY's DINO CAZARES: New Singer MILO SILVESTRO 'Pretty Much Nailed It The First Day'

15 окт 2023 : 
Watch: FEAR FACTORY Performs In El Paso With Temporary Touring Bassist JAVIER ARRIAGA

13 окт 2023 : 
DINO CAZARES Says Rapid Advance Of AI Will Be Covered In Lyrics For Next FEAR FACTORY Studio Album

2 окт 2023 : 
FEAR FACTORY Announces New Touring Bassist For October 2023 Shows

23 сен 2023 : 
FEAR FACTORY Has 'Eight Songs In The Can' For Next Studio Album

17 сен 2023 : 
FEAR FACTORY's DINO CAZARES Speaks Out Against Venues Taking Cut Of Artists' Merchandise Sales: 'You're Basically Paying To Play'

4 сен 2023 : 
FEAR FACTORY's DINO CAZARES: 'I Felt That BURTON C. BELL Was Phoning Things In; He Was Going Through The Motions'

30 авг 2023 : 
DINO CAZARES: How Not Belonging To One Particular Metal Subgenre Hurt FEAR FACTORY

20 авг 2023 : 
FEAR FACTORY's DINO CAZARES Teases 'Killer' Two-Month U.S. Package Tour, Says New Album Won't Arrive Before Late 2024

17 июл 2023 : 
Hear Ex-FEAR FACTORY Singer BURTON C. BELL's Cover Version Of RAMMSTEIN's 'Du Hast'

15 июл 2023 : 
FEAR FACTORY Guitarist Says Venues Taking Cut Of Artists' Merchandise Sales Is Making It Harder For Bands To Survive

30 июн 2023 : 
DINO CAZARES Explains Why FEAR FACTORY Didn't Take Part In Any Paid Meet-And-Greets During 'Rise Of The Machine' Tour

15 июн 2023 : 
FEAR FACTORY Shares Guitar Playthrough Video For Early Instrumental Version Of New Song Called 'Roboticist'
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|||| 18 авг 2022

DINO CAZARES On Keeping New FEAR FACTORY Singer's Identity A Secret: 'I Just Want This To Be Amazing'

In a new interview with This Day In Metal, FEAR FACTORY guitarist Dino Cazares once again opened up about his band's search for a new vocalist following the departure of Burton C. Bell nearly two years ago. He said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "A lot of people online are asking me about FEAR FACTORY: 'When the fuck are you gonna release a song? When are you gonna announce a singer' Blah blah blah, and all that stuff. And I'm, like, look, I'm just taking my time and I want this to be right. I'm taking my time, and it's gonna be fucking amazing. People want me to rush things right away, and I just don't wanna rush things. 'Just fucking tell us who the singer is, you fuck.' Everybody is just yelling at me, telling me things like that. And I'm, like, just be patient. Just be patient."

He continued: "I just want this to be amazing. I want the track and the singer to be announced at the same time, so everybody can be excited on the song. 'Cause if I announce the singer right now, 'Ah, fuck that guy.' They haven't even heard the guy yet and they're gonna be talking shit. So I want them to hear it and see him — it's a him, yes — so they can get excited about it."

Cazares also confirmed that ONCE HUMAN's Lauren Hart originally auditioned for the singer position in FEAR FACTORY before he recruited her to front his DIVINE HERESY project.

"During the process of going through all the video submissions for FEAR FACTORY, I discovered some other vocalists," Dino explained. "I've known Lauren for a very, very long time. She sang in a band called ONCE HUMAN. I've known her for — I don't know — probably, I wanna say 10 years maybe. Maybe a little less. I always knew she was a talented vocalist. But not every vocalist is going to fit a particular band. Yes, I did audition her for FEAR FACTORY. But Burton's vocal style is kind of more in the lower register, in the gothic kind of register — he's got a lower register… It's kind of hard to explain, and I don't wanna sound sexist in any way, but sometimes the anatomy of a female's voice just doesn't sound good that low. It was just too low of a register. And so she sounded better for DIVINE HERESY. When I heard her do the song for DIVINE HERESY, 'Failed Creation' — she did the song — I was, like, 'That's it.' She's the new vocalist. It's perfect. It's in her range, and it just sounds amazing. And she's extremely talented, and I just can't wait to release some new stuff."

This past February, former NIGHTRAGE singer Antony Hämäläinen, who unsuccessfully auditioned for the vocalist slot in FEAR FACTORY, claimed in an interview that the new FF frontman is "a person from Italy."

In April, Dino told "The Garza Podcast" that the new FEAR FACTORY singer is emotionally ready to handle the inevitable pushback from some fans that he will get once his identity has been revealed. "I think that they're ready," he said. "When it comes to talent, they're very ready. But 'tour ready' is completely different. Let's hope that… Well, the person that we have has done some touring, but not touring like we do touring. Like, a full U.S. tour can be anywhere from four weeks to six weeks to whatever, then you fly over to Europe and do another four to five weeks, come back to the States, do another tour, then you go to South America and do another few weeks there, then you go to Australia and do another few weeks there, and then you plan for next year. I think one of the other things, too, is when this person is announced, they're gonna have to be able to handle all the criticism. That's gonna be the hard part. 'Well, it didn't sound like Burt.' Well, of course not. I want this person… They do actually sound like Burt — they can handle all the old stuff like Burt — but as far as moving forward, I would like them to have their own identity. We're still gonna have the formula of what makes FEAR FACTORY — for sure — but I want this person to somewhat have his own identity as well."

Pressed about what happened to cause Burton to leave FEAR FACTORY, Dino said: "Good question. I don't know. I think he just lost interest in… I can only assume, because we went through some really heavy lawsuits for four years, and it financially crippled us — personally as well — and I just believe that he lost interest. I think that possibly all the stuff that we went through in FEAR FACTORY was just, like… He's one of those guys, 'Fuck it. I'm out. I quit. Fuck it.' He doesn't come across as a fighter — as somebody who's gonna be, like, 'Fuck it. We went through it. Let's go through it and let's just continue.' I mean, I left the door open for him for a while to come back into the band, but he pretty much said fuck me, Raymond [Herrera, former FEAR FACTORY drummer] and Christian [Olde Wolbers, former FEAR FACTORY bassist] — everybody. Fuck everybody.

"I'm not gonna push it," Dino added. "I'm not gonna push him or nothing like that. Fans ask me all the time: 'Hey, call him up. Just call him up.' Well, if you saw the stuff he said when he left, he's not exactly a phone call away… He left pretty bitter, and that's pretty much where… It looks like he's having a good time being free. So I'm not gonna force anybody to come back or [any] stuff like that.

"Some people want change in their life, but sometimes fans just can't accept that. Fans are, like, 'He was the singer for 30 years. Come back.' That was his decision. No one pushed him out; no one forced him to leave — none of that stuff. That was his decision."

Asked about his previous comment that he was open to hiring a female vocalist for FEAR FACTORY, Dino told Bucketlist TV: "That was true. I auditioned a few women, yes. But it didn't work out — not because they were female or anything like that. Because I wanted to pick whoever was best for the position, and it turned out to be a guy."

Dino also addressed his statement from last year that he wanted to give an "unknown guy a shot" at fronting FEAR FACTORY. He said: "Well, it wasn't like I was only looking for somebody that nobody knew. I was looking for all different [types of singers]. Sure, if the guy turned out to be, or the girl turned out to be, someone that nobody knew and I gave 'em that shot, yeah, great. I was open to all of it, is what I'm saying. Male, female, whatever, known, unknown — I was open to all of that."

In September 2020, Bell issued a statement officially announcing his departure from FEAR FACTORY, saying that he "cannot align" himself with someone whom he does not trust or respect.

Bell's exit from FEAR FACTORY came more than two weeks after Cazares launched a GoFundMe campaign to assist him with the production costs associated with the release of FEAR FACTORY's latest LP.

Bell later told Kerrang! magazine that his split with FEAR FACTORY was a long time coming. "It's been on my mind for a while," he said. "These lawsuits [over the rights to the FEAR FACTORY name] just drained me. The egos. The greed. Not just from bandmembers, but from the attorneys involved. I just lost my love for it.

"With FEAR FACTORY, it's just constantly been, like, 'What?!' You can only take so much. I felt like 30 years was a good run. Those albums I've done with FEAR FACTORY will always be out there. I'll always be part of that. I just felt like it was time to move forward."

In October 2020, Dino issued a statement in which he said that the door for Burton to come back to FEAR FACTORY wouldn't "stay open forever." The guitarist also revealed that Burton "lost his legal rights" to the FEAR FACTORY name "after a long court battle" with Herrera and Olde Wolbers. "I had the opportunity to do something right, and I felt that obtaining the name in full was the right thing to do for the both of us, so after nearly four years we can continue as FEAR FACTORY, to make more records and to tour," he said. "That is why it is sad to hear that he decided to quit and, in my opinion, for whatever issues he has it seems like it could've been worked out."

FEAR FACTORY's latest album, "Aggression Continuum", was released in June 2021 via Nuclear Blast Records. The LP, which was recorded primarily in 2017, features Cazares and Bell alongside drummer Mike Heller.


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