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Fear Factory


2 май 2024 : 

18 апр 2024 : 
Watch Drum-Cam Video Of FEAR FACTORY's PETE WEBBER Playing 'Demanufacture' In Colorado

14 апр 2024 : 

19 фев 2024 : 
Watch FEAR FACTORY's Entire Orlando Concert During January/February 2024 North American Tour

8 фев 2024 : 
FEAR FACTORY's DINO CAZARES Picks METALLICA's 'Ride The Lightning' Over 'Master Of Puppets', Explains Why

15 янв 2024 : 
FEAR FACTORY's DINO CAZARES: 'We've Gotta At Least Put A' New 'Single Out Before The End Of The Year'

27 дек 2023 : 

26 дек 2023 : 
New FEAR FACTORY Singer MILO SILVESTRO: 'It's A Compliment' When People Say I Sound Like BURTON C. BELL

21 дек 2023 : 
New FEAR FACTORY Singer MILO SILVESTRO Says He Had The 'Right Sound' And Vocal 'Style' For The Gig

15 дек 2023 : 
FEAR FACTORY's DINO CAZARES: 'People Are Excited That We're Singing These Songs How They Are On The Record'

27 ноя 2023 : 
Watch: FEAR FACTORY Joined By BUTCHER BABIES' HEIDI SHEPHERD For 'Martyr' Performance In Munich

24 ноя 2023 : 

5 ноя 2023 : 
DINO CAZARES Isn't Concerned About Being Sole Remaining Member Of FEAR FACTORY's Classic Lineup

23 окт 2023 : 
FEAR FACTORY's DINO CAZARES: New Singer MILO SILVESTRO 'Pretty Much Nailed It The First Day'

15 окт 2023 : 
Watch: FEAR FACTORY Performs In El Paso With Temporary Touring Bassist JAVIER ARRIAGA

13 окт 2023 : 
DINO CAZARES Says Rapid Advance Of AI Will Be Covered In Lyrics For Next FEAR FACTORY Studio Album

2 окт 2023 : 
FEAR FACTORY Announces New Touring Bassist For October 2023 Shows

23 сен 2023 : 
FEAR FACTORY Has 'Eight Songs In The Can' For Next Studio Album

17 сен 2023 : 
FEAR FACTORY's DINO CAZARES Speaks Out Against Venues Taking Cut Of Artists' Merchandise Sales: 'You're Basically Paying To Play'

4 сен 2023 : 
FEAR FACTORY's DINO CAZARES: 'I Felt That BURTON C. BELL Was Phoning Things In; He Was Going Through The Motions'

30 авг 2023 : 
DINO CAZARES: How Not Belonging To One Particular Metal Subgenre Hurt FEAR FACTORY

20 авг 2023 : 
FEAR FACTORY's DINO CAZARES Teases 'Killer' Two-Month U.S. Package Tour, Says New Album Won't Arrive Before Late 2024

17 июл 2023 : 
Hear Ex-FEAR FACTORY Singer BURTON C. BELL's Cover Version Of RAMMSTEIN's 'Du Hast'

15 июл 2023 : 
FEAR FACTORY Guitarist Says Venues Taking Cut Of Artists' Merchandise Sales Is Making It Harder For Bands To Survive

30 июн 2023 : 
DINO CAZARES Explains Why FEAR FACTORY Didn't Take Part In Any Paid Meet-And-Greets During 'Rise Of The Machine' Tour

15 июн 2023 : 
FEAR FACTORY Shares Guitar Playthrough Video For Early Instrumental Version Of New Song Called 'Roboticist'
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|||| 7 мар 2023

BURTON C. BELL On FEAR FACTORY Touring With New Singer: 'It Doesn't Affect Me At All'

In a new interview with Joshua Toomey of the "Talk Toomey" podcast, ex-FEAR FACTORY singer Burton C. Bell was asked how it felt to see his former group going out on tour with someone else singing the parts he originally wrote and recorded with the band. He responded (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "It doesn't affect me at all. To be honest, I haven't been this happy in a long time. More power to them, but I'm just moving forward in my own life, my own career, and I'm just trying to make a name for myself."

Asked if he has checked out any of the videos on YouTube of FEAR FACTORY performing with his replacement, the Italian-born singer Milo Silvestro, Bell said: "No, I don't. I don't care to."

Burton went on to say that he doesn't mind being asked about FEAR FACTORY despite the fact that he is no longer in the band. "FEAR FACTORY, it's what I'm known for," he explained. "And the 30 years I had with FEAR FACTORY were some of the proudest moments of my career. And everything I've ever done in FEAR FACTORY I'm very proud of. Even some of the questionable things I've done in FEAR FACTORY I'm still proud of. It was a great legacy."

During an April 2022 appearance on an episode of "The Ex-Man" podcast hosted by Doc Coyle (BAD WOLVES),Bell touched upon FEAR FACTORY's latest album, "Aggression Continuum", which was released in June 2021 via Nuclear Blast Records. The LP, which was recorded primarily in 2017, features Bell and fellow original FF member Dino Cazares (guitar) alongside drummer Mike Heller.

"I was just happy that record finally came out," Burton said. "We finished that record in 2017. By the time it came out, I'd forgotten all about it. 'Oh, yeah, I remember that song. Oh yeah.'

"There's some good songs on that record. The song 'Collapse' is a good song. The title track 'Monolith' is a good song," he added, referencing the LP's original working title, before it was changed by Cazares.

When Coyle noted that the mix on "Aggression Continuum" is "great," Bell hesitated for a couple of seconds before reluctantly agreeing. "I guess," he said. "When I finished the record [in 2017], the record was done and agreed upon and then further work was done without my say."

Elsewhere in the chat, Burton said admitted that "it was difficult" for him to leave FEAR FACTORY. "Stepping away from FEAR FACTORY was not an easy decision by [any] means," he said. "But what I experienced for the 10 years before that, the lawsuits, the acrimony, that was the one that killed me. And I just had to step away to realize, you know, they can take all this stuff from me — they can take the money, they can take the royalties, they can take the trademark away from me — and I realized that didn't define me. They can take that, but I'm still Burton C. Bell, motherfucker, and whatever I have they can't take. So I'm just kind of moving forward and doing new things."

According to Bell, hardship is par for the course for most musicians, who often find themselves victims of bad contracts, unscrupulous management and, all too often, what appears to be a penchant for self-destruction.

"I knew a long time ago I wanted to be an artist — way before I was in FEAR FACTORY," he said. "When I was in high school, I was, like, 'I wanna be an artist.' To be an artist, you've gotta suffer. You've gotta understand that people wanna take from you the entire time — what you create they wanna make money off of and take it away from you and just give you a pittance. But being bitter is not my style — never has been.

"Whatever negativity has happened in the past with FEAR FACTORY doesn't even hold up to the amount of positivity that has happened," he continued. "If you think about the negative, it can weigh you down so much, but it's not really that much in comparison to what the band achieved, what we created, what we provided to the music world, and for that I'm proud and very happy.

"No one likes to talk to a bitter person at all," Burton added. "Me for one. It's, like, 'Man, just get over it and just move on.' 'Cause holding on to the past doesn't serve me anything, it doesn't serve anybody else anything. Move on and show 'em what you can do from that point forward."

In September 2020, Bell issued a statement officially announcing his departure from FEAR FACTORY, saying that he "cannot align" himself with someone whom he does not trust or respect.

Bell's exit from FEAR FACTORY came more than two weeks after Cazares launched a GoFundMe campaign to assist him with the production costs associated with the release of FEAR FACTORY's latest LP.

Bell later told Kerrang! magazine that his split with FEAR FACTORY was a long time coming. "It's been on my mind for a while," he said. "These lawsuits [over the rights to the FEAR FACTORY name] just drained me. The egos. The greed. Not just from bandmembers, but from the attorneys involved. I just lost my love for it.

"With FEAR FACTORY, it's just constantly been, like, 'What?!' You can only take so much. I felt like 30 years was a good run. Those albums I've done with FEAR FACTORY will always be out there. I'll always be part of that. I just felt like it was time to move forward."

Bell will unveil "Paradise Found", his debut exhibition of photographic works, at the Vincent Castiglia Gallery in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from March 11 through May 23. The photographs Bell is presenting are representational of his industrial and science-fiction aesthetic.

"Paradise Found" consists of 20 original full-color photographs of abandoned industrial buildings taken in darkness and fog from 2002 to 2003. Bell's images are printed on aluminum using the dye sublimation process - an approach Bell calls "celluloid impressionism."

Bell's ASCENSION OF THE WATCHERS project released its second full-length album, "Apocrypha", in October 2020 via Dissonance Productions.

Photo by Erica Vincent Photos / Earsplit PR


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7 мар 2023
Я просто приму как факт то, что они все - пиздатые парни и делают пиздатые вещи, пусть и отдельно друг от друга
7 мар 2023
xRReth, согласен. Но все-таки лично мне до сих пор обидно, что они не сделали еще один шаг после Obsolete. Все последующие альбомы либо копируют, либо не дотягивают. То есть в большей степени не про эволюцию их собственного стиля говорю, а про атмосферу саундтрэка к научно-фантастическим и антиутопическим произведениям: книгам, экранизациям. Digimortal был в лучшем случае чем-то вроде комикса, Archetype - повтором Demanufacture и Obsolete, Mechanize - это Obsolate и Digi с звуком c 50% саунда Nothing / Catch Thirty Three - Meshuggah и одной действительно потрясающей песней. Остальное опять же вариации уже сложившихся первых 3-х альбомов.
7 мар 2023
gravitgroove, obsolete офигительный альбом, вот там самая крутая FF-атмосфера по мне.
7 мар 2023
Вашингтон Ирвинг, я люблю атмосферу у всех трех первых. Первый это заброшенная фабрика, или фабрика по утилизации старых машин, станков. При этом, где во всей это грязи рождается что-то самопальное, но очень совершенное в сравнении с стандартами актуального времени. Отлично бы подошел к тому моменту в Блейдраннере 2, где дети живут в рабстве в приюте на каком-то заброшенном заводе. Самая темная и злая атмосфера.
2-й альбом: ну тут все ясно. Это самая холодная, вселяющая ужас и безысходность, но по своему притягательная.
3-й альбом: тоже самое, но с человеческим оптимизмом и умением хранить надежду на лучшее и воплощать прекрасное даже в (условном) аду. Эти три альбома обязаны быть в зале слава металла и в моем личном ИМХО имеют право возвышаться над вкладом Pantera и Meshuggah. Хотя бы от того, что в их ритмы вплетено много красивых мелодий и они реально меланхоличны, в отличии от ортодоксальных вышесказанных техасцев и шведов.
7 мар 2023
gravitgroove, в целом согласен, но вот насчёт Pantera вставлю ремарочку: соло Дайма достаточно проникновенны, взять ту же Floods – выворачивает наизнанку, так что с техасцами не всё так однозначно в плане красоты мелодий и меланхоличности.
8 мар 2023
СтаканМарьиванны, каждому свое. Мне в этом плане соло из Cemetary Gates больше разрывало, а во Floods, конечно же, больше всего заключительная часть, после многократного раската грома - кода или аутро (не знаю, как этот вальсирующую партию описать, но это не соло). Но это все хрень по мне в сравнении с соло Тортендаля на Destroy Erase Improve в Sublevels. Но вообще-то до этих уточнений я имел ввиду мелодии где вокалист идет в тандеме со всем инструменталом.

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