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2 июн 2024 : 
EXODUS - British Disaster: The Battle Of '89 - Live At The Astoria Album Out Now; Full Audio Stream + "Piranha" Visualizer

10 апр 2024 : 

29 фев 2024 : 
EXODUS To Enter Studio In May

28 фев 2024 : 
EXODUS's GARY HOLT Says Lip Syncing Is 'Bad', But Backing Tracks Can Be 'Cool' If They're Used To 'Fill Up' The Sound

19 дек 2023 : 
EXODUS's GARY HOLT: 'This Year Has Been The Hardest I've Ever Dealt With Yet Massively Rewarding'

18 дек 2023 : 
Watch EXODUS Perform In Flint, Michigan During Fall 2023 U.S. Tour

24 ноя 2023 : 
EXODUS's STEVE 'ZETRO' SOUZA On What Keeps Him Motivated: 'I Owe It To The Fans Who Still Want To See Us'

20 ноя 2023 : 
Watch: EXODUS Performs 'Impact Is Imminent' Title Track Live For First Time In More Than Three Decades

19 ноя 2023 : 
EXODUS's STEVE 'ZETRO' SOUZA: 'I Would Never Lip Sync' Or 'Use Backing Tracks'

18 ноя 2023 : 
Watch: EXODUS Kicks Off Fall 2023 U.S Tour In Fort Lauderdale

19 окт 2023 : 
EXODUS To Enter Studio In March; New Album To Arrive By September 2024

18 окт 2023 : 
EXODUS Vows To Perform A Couple Of Rarities On Fall 2023 Tour, Including 'One We Have Never Ever Played Live'

29 сен 2023 : 
EXODUS's GARY HOLT: 'I Just Love Riffs'

2 сен 2023 : 
EXODUS's GARY HOLT Explains Record-Label Switch From NUCLEAR BLAST To NAPALM

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EXODUS Guitarist GARY HOLT: 'I've Thought About Doing A Solo Record For Years'

28 июн 2023 : 
GARY HOLT Is Working On Opening Song For EXODUS's Next Album: It Is The 'Most Brutal Crushing Thing Ever'

20 июн 2023 : 
EXODUS Signs With NAPALM RECORDS: 'It's Time For A New Chapter For The Band'

24 мар 2023 : 
EXODUS/SLAYER Guitarist GARY HOLT To Release 'A Fabulous Disaster' Memoir

13 фев 2023 : 

9 фев 2023 : 
EXODUS's GARY HOLT: We Still 'Make Crushing, Killer Albums That Stand Up Against Any Of The Classic Stuff'

6 фев 2023 : 
EXODUS's TOM HUNTING: Why DAVE LOMBARDO Is 'Double Badass' As A Drummer

2 фев 2023 : 
EXODUS Drummer TOM HUNTING Releases Music Video For 'Jungle Love' From 'Hunting Party' Solo EP

14 янв 2023 : 
EXODUS's TOM HUNTING On Beating Stomach Cancer: 'Science Is Amazing'

26 дек 2022 : 
EXODUS's STEVE 'ZETRO' SOUZA: My Voice Is 'Pretty Much An Imitation' Of BON SCOTT

12 дек 2022 : 
STEVE 'ZETRO' SOUZA: Why EXODUS Failed To Reach Same Commercial Heights As 'Big Four' Bands

24 ноя 2022 : 
EXODUS - Pro-Shot Video Of Enitre Altavoz Festival 2022 Show Streaming
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|||| 9 окт 2020

EXODUS's New Album Will Be 'An Absolute Thrash Metal Masterpiece,' Says STEVE 'ZETRO' SOUZA

EXODUS recently entered the studio in Lake Almanor, California to begin recording its long-awaited new album for a tentative early 2021 release via Nuclear Blast Records.

The San Francisco Bay Area thrashers' next disc will be the follow-up to 2014's "Blood In Blood Out", which was their first release since the departure of the group's lead singer of nine years, Rob Dukes, and the return of Steve "Zetro" Souza, who previously fronted EXODUS from 1986 to 1993 and from 2002 to 2004.

Souza discussed the progress of the recording sessions for EXODUS's new LP in the latest installment of his "Zetro's Toxic Vault" video series.

Speaking about the musical direction of the new EXODUS material, Zetro said (see video below): "This album has everything that a heavy metal fan and EXODUS fan wants. It's very brutal, it's very violent, it's very fast. The lyrics are very aggressive and really deep subject matter. It doesn't disappoint.

"As for [guitarist] Gary Holt, him being the major songwriter and the main songwriter, I feel that he's written an absolute masterpiece — an absolute thrash metal masterpiece. It's got all of the elements that an EXODUS record should have. It's not even done yet, and I'm really already proud of it."

Souza went on to say that he can't reveal any songtitles or other details about the next EXODUS record other that the fact that it is "quite fucking brutal."

"If I was to let you know where I'm at right now vocally, I am two-thirds done through the album," he said. "Actually, I've been kicking ass lately, and the songs are heavy.

"A lot of different Zetro going on on this album, I think. There's a lot of hills and valleys. I explored a lot of different angles, and I think that everybody's gonna really like it.

"I've gotta say, me as being a heavy metal fan, this is a great heavy metal record, man," he reiterated. "To me, it is. And it's not even done. Leads aren't even really on the thing yet, so there's still a lot of work to get done. And [mixer] Andy Sneap has not even gotten it in his hands yet fully. Actually, the only things at this time that are fully done are the drums. So, other than that, we're all still kind of piecing it together. I think Gary just finished his last rhythm — I believe his rhythms are now finished. So it's on to finishing the vocals, playing lead guitar and [bassist] Jack [Gibson] finishing what he has left to do."

EXODUS's next studio album will be the group's first since the completion of SLAYER's final tour. In 2011, Holt began filling in for Jeff Hanneman at SLAYER live shows, and became the band's full-time co-guitarist as of 2013, while remaining a member of EXODUS.



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9 окт 2020
Молчи, Петрович!
9 окт 2020
Суза - лучший вокалист Эксодус.
9 окт 2020
>Тут есть все элементы, которыми должна обладать пластинка EXODUS.
Отсутствие хороших песен и уебищный вокал? Верю!
9 окт 2020
Вокалист EXODUS: "Это будет шедевр, который я лично угроблю своим визгом."
9 окт 2020
Нормальный вокалист, в чём дело? В треш так и не въехали?
9 окт 2020
Если тебе нравятся вопли хряка которому раскаленным паяльником внутренности щекочут то просто ахуенный. Есть плохие вокалисты, есть уебищные, а есть он, король Олимпа.
9 окт 2020
Да ладно вам, Зетро входит в топ3 воКАЛистов треша наряду с Арайей и Мастейном.
9 окт 2020
>>>Если тебе нравятся вопли хряка которому раскаленным паяльником внутренности щекочут то просто ахуенный

Ты сейчас клоуна делаешь)
9 окт 2020
Ну знаете ли. Я вот чот не слышал отзывов в стиле "Не буду слушать новый альбом Метлы пока там Хэтфилд поет". А вот про это шарообразное визгло каждый второй подобного плана, стоит задуматься.
9 окт 2020
Журналист: так новый альбом можно сказать готов?
Зетра; уиииии!
9 окт 2020
Вокалист он для Exodus, на мой взгляд, самое то, а вот на счет прекрасной музыки на новом альбоме я почему-то не уверен. Хотя Гари уже не отвлекался на Slayer, конечно. Может и получится что-то интересное.
9 окт 2020
Тоже никогда не понимал почему они так держатся за этого визжащего хряка ? Ужастный отталкивающий голос.
11 окт 2020
Вокал у него, конечно, мерзотнейший, но в трэше чем хуевее, тем лучше, так что норм. Конечно, Бэлоффа не вернуть, его выкрики к такой музыке подходят просто идеально.
А музыка у группы всегда была офигенная, дерьма не делали
13 окт 2020
а мене всегда нравился вокал Зетро, и когда он вернулся в группу я очень обрадовался, Дюкс был обычным вокалистом, ничем не выделяющимся, а в Зетро свой узнаваемый тембр. Жду новый альбом, прошлый был весьма не плох.
20 ноя 2020
Шуму наделали, как будто EXODUS единственная на свете трэш группа. Не нра - прошли мимо. Слушать остальные пару сотен

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