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Dream Theater


13 июн 2024 : 
DREAM THEATER’s MIKE PORTNOY Plays “Under A Glass Moon”; Video

7 июн 2024 : 
MIKE PORTNOY On DREAM THEATER's Upcoming Album: 'We Are All Really Excited' And 'Proud Of It'

3 май 2024 : 
JOHN PETRUCCI Completes Recording Guitars For New DREAM THEATER Album: 'I'm So Happy With How They Came Out'

10 апр 2024 : 
DREAM THEATER's JAMES LABRIE On Reunion With MIKE PORTNOY: 'We Had To Return The Band Back To Its Strongest Form'

2 апр 2024 : 
MIKE PORTNOY Completes Recording Drums For DREAM THEATER's New Album: 'We Are All Blown Away'

16 мар 2024 : 
MIKE PORTNOY Denies His Return To DREAM THEATER Had Anything To Do With SONS OF APOLLO's 'Demise'

6 мар 2024 : 
DREAM THEATER - Rare Fan-Filmed Live Video Of Entire March 1993 Show At New York's Limelight Streaming

1 мар 2024 : 
MIKE PORTNOY Says It Would Be 'Nice' If DREAM THEATER Could Bring Back 'Crazy' Setlist Ideas For Upcoming Shows

16 фев 2024 : 
MIKE PORTNOY Says Songwriting Sessions For DREAM THEATER's Next Album Are 'Going Splendidly'

10 фев 2024 : 
DREAM THEATER Officially Begins Work On First Studio Album With MIKE PORTNOY In 15 Years

29 янв 2024 : 
DREAM THEATER's JOHN PETRUCCI: 'It's Really Exciting To Have MIKE PORTNOY Back In The Band'

17 янв 2024 : 
DREAM THEATER's JOHN MYUNG Blames Last Summer's Head Injury On 'Dehydration'

16 янв 2024 : 
DREAM THEATER - Rare Fan-Filmed NIGHTMARE CINEMA Live Video From 1997 London Show Surfaces On YouTube

8 янв 2024 : 
MIKE PORTNOY On His Return To DREAM THEATER: 'It's Poetic Justice That We Should Ride Off Into The Sunset Together'

31 дек 2023 : 
MIKE PORTNOY: 'I've Probably Dreamt About 100 Times About What It Would Be Like To Be Back In DREAM THEATER'

27 ноя 2023 : 
MIKE PORTNOY Opens Up About His Return To DREAM THEATER: 'It Just Felt Like The Time Was Right To Do It'

17 ноя 2023 : 

7 ноя 2023 : 
JAMES LABRIE Is 'Overwhelmed' By 'Incredible' Response To DREAM THEATER's Reunion With MIKE PORTNOY

25 окт 2023 : 
DREAM THEATER Announces Return Of Drummer MIKE PORTNOY

3 июл 2023 : 
MIKE PORTNOY Attends His Second DREAM THEATER Concert As A Spectator: 'This Is Slightly Weird'

1 июл 2023 : 
DREAM THEATER Members Weigh In On Practice Of Venues Taking Cut Of Artists' Merchandise Sales

20 июн 2023 : 
DREAM THEATER Joined By DEVIN TOWNSEND, ANIMALS AS LEADERS For 'The Spirit Carries On' Performance At 'Dreamsonic' Kickoff

18 июн 2023 : 
DREAM THEATER's JAMES LABRIE: 'We're Much More Than' Progressive Metal

16 июн 2023 : 
DREAM THEATER Shares Music Video For 'Answering The Call'

10 июн 2023 : 
DREAM THEATER's JOHN PETRUCCI: 'We've Talked About Some Ideas On Direction' For Next Studio Album

5 июн 2023 : 
DREAM THEATER's MIKE MANGINI To Release Long-Awaited Solo Album In August
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|||| 30 сен 2010

DREAM THEATER Bassist: \'We Want To Make A Great Record That We\'re Happy With\'

DREAM THEATER bassist John Myung, who was recently honored with's "Greatest Bassist Of All Time" award (beating such legends as Paul McCartney, James Jamerson, John Entwhistle, and even some of his personal heroes, such as Chris Squire, Geddy Lee, Steve Harris), spoke to about his huge bass poll win, his relationship with fans and his practice routine and the future of DREAM THEATER without Mike Portnoy. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below. More so than any other member, you're bound to be impacted by a new drummer — after all, the rhythm section is the bedrock of a group. Are you excited to play with somebody new?

Myung: "I'd say we're all impacted, because we all interact with the rhythms. So this isn't going to affect me more than anybody else, really. Creatively, the DREAM THEATER process has always been extremely collaborative — there's always been plenty of input from everybody — so when working with somebody new, we're going to have to look for those common ground points that we have. A new member will be influential, no doubt. Hopefully, new directions will open up. I think it can be cool." It has been suggested that Mike may change his mind in a year or so, that he might want to rejoin. If so, would you welcome him back with open arms, or do you see this as a necessary, clean break?

Myung: "Anything is possible. But right now, the band is focused on finding a new member to get in the studio with. We want to make a great record that we're happy with and have a great next tour. That's what we do, and that's what we're looking at." The "Greatest Bassist Of All Time." That's quite an honor — and a stunning testament to the devotion of your fans. But how do you even respond to such a title? Is it all too overwhelming?

Myung: "It definitely an honor. I view it as a social endorsement that reflects on a lot of different things, from the band I'm in to the records we've put out to the basses I play. But it's quite an honor, absolutely, one which tells me I'm on the right path. My gratitude goes out to everyone who voted. But I, in no way, feel that it's true in the sense of the title of the award, because there's so many great players all over the world who contribute amazing music. So, even though I'm deeply flattered and appreciative, let's say that it's taken with a bit of objectivity." How do you feel about your relationship with your fans? Obviously, they hold you in high regard. Do you feel a sense of duty to please them, or do you feel that, as an artist, you have only yourself to answer to?

Myung: "You know, there's a lot of people reaching out to me, and when that happens, when you get the kind of positive reinforcement that I get, it's bound to make you feel good, and it's definitely going to push you to do your best. Moving forward, I think all I can do is put my instincts to work and do my best and hope that I'm on the same page as everyone else. The fact that there's an audience out there that accepts what I do is a huge source of stimulation, motivation and energy. I wouldn't be where I am without them. The audience is a big part of this whole thing. At the same time, yes, I have to be myself because that's how it all began. So what I do is, I take in the energy from the fans, but I have to give what I have inside me and push it outward — if that makes any sense." [laughs]


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30 сен 2010
Интересно если вернется Портной,что тогда скажите новому участнику пока?
30 сен 2010
Так запишите же! С 97-го года ждем этой отличной записи
30 сен 2010
Скромный человек он.
30 сен 2010
Давно пора сделать отличную запись. После Octavarium с этим как то так....не очень
30 сен 2010
Бас гитарист шикарный и человек хороший. Достоин звания Greatest Bassist Of All Time.
Но меня все же больше интересует кто станет новым драммером в Dream Theater
30 сен 2010
Есть подозрения насчёт Терраны. Или Моргенштейна, например.
1 окт 2010
"Но я никоим образом не чувствую, что такое название премии верно, так как существует большое количество великих баасистов во всём мире, которые создают потрясающую музыку. Поэтому, хотя я польщён и благодарен за оказанную честь, скажу, что в этом звании мало объективности." - вот с этим согласен на 100%...
1 окт 2010
Наконец то и Мьюинг заговорил! Скромняга! Достойный кандидат на эту награду!
2 окт 2010
"скажу, что в этом звании мало объективности." - вот с этим согласен на 100%.."
Мягко говоря, не совсем верный перевод.
Что касается сути вопроса - то я сомневаюсь, при всём уважении к великим джаз/фьюжн басистам, что кто-либо из них способен так интересно и уверенно звучать в таком широком спектре музыкального материала (от фьюжена до дет-металла), как это получается у Джона Маянга.

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