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Iron Maiden


29 май 2024 : 
IRON MAIDEN's NICKO MCBRAIN On His Post-Ministroke Recovery: 'Even Holding A Drumstick, There Was Nothing There'

27 май 2024 : 
Watch Pro-Shot Video Of NICKO MCBRAIN Performing Reimagined Versions Of IRON MAIDEN Classics With Orchestra

17 май 2024 : 
BLAZE BAYLEY On Getting IRON MAIDEN Gig - "I Celebrated With A Crate Of Guiness And Buying An Answer Phone And An Old White Jaguar"

14 май 2024 : 

12 май 2024 : 
Robinsons Brewery And IRON MAIDEN Launch New Trooper Pale Ale - "It's Trooper... But Without The Headache," Says BRUCE DICKINSON

23 апр 2024 : 
BRUCE DICKINSON On Seeing IRON MAIDEN With PAUL DI'ANNO: 'He Didn't Have A Lot Of Flex To His Voice'

30 мар 2024 : 
BRUCE DICKINSON: Why IRON MAIDEN Hasn't Had Any Lineup Changes In 25 Years

12 мар 2024 : 
Watch: NICKO MCBRAIN Performs Reimagined Versions Of IRON MAIDEN Classics With Orchestra At London's Royal Albert Hall

26 фев 2024 : 
IRON MAIDEN Teams Up With Multiplayer Action Horror Game DEAD BY DAYLIGHT For New Collection

14 янв 2024 : 
BRUCE DICKINSON Reflects On His 1999 Return To IRON MAIDEN - "STEVE HARRIS Was Very Suspicious"

11 янв 2024 : 
DENNIS STRATTON On Performing With IRON MAIDEN Again: 'It's Still On My Bucket List'

17 дек 2023 : 
Why Was DENNIS STRATTON Fired From IRON MAIDEN? - "Coming Back From The KISS Tour, I Knew There Was A Problem"

8 дек 2023 : 
IRON MAIDEN's NICKO MCBRAIN Reflects On Ministroke: 'I Thought, 'This Is It. I'm Not Going To Be Able To Play.''

7 дек 2023 : 
IRON MAIDEN 'Smashes' Colombia Ticket Sales Record

6 дек 2023 : 
IRON MAIDEN's BRUCE DICKINSON On POWER TRIP Festival: 'People Who Were At The Front Were Rich People That Wanted To Film Everything On Their Phone'

9 ноя 2023 : 
IRON MAIDEN Partners With Z2 For 40th-Anniversary Celebration Of 'Piece Of Mind'

5 ноя 2023 : 
IRON MAIDEN - Fear Of The Dark Limited Edition KnuckleBonz 3D Vinyl Statue Available For Pre-Order

4 ноя 2023 : 
IRON MAIDEN Shares 'Stranger In A Strange Land' Video From 2023 'The Future Past Tour'

23 окт 2023 : 
IRON MAIDEN's NICKO MCBRAIN: 'I'm 85 To 90 Percent Back To Strength' After Suffering Stroke In January

17 окт 2023 : 
IRON MAIDEN's BRUCE DICKINSON: We Don't Downtune Or Use Backing Tracks

5 окт 2023 : 
Watch IRON MAIDEN Perform In Vancouver During 2023 'The Future Past Tour'

26 сен 2023 : 
BLAZE BAYLEY: IRON MAIDEN Is 'The Most Important Heavy Metal Band In The World'

19 сен 2023 : 
BLAZE BAYLEY Says He "Cried His F@king Eyes Out" When He Heard The IRON MAIDEN Reunion Album Brave New World

13 сен 2023 : 
IRON MAIDEN Closes Out World Of Tanks Modern Armor's 'Metal Fest'

12 сен 2023 : 
IRON MAIDEN's STEVE HARRIS On BRUCE DICKINSON: 'I Think He's Singing Better Than Ever'

11 авг 2023 : 
BRUCE DICKINSON Teases IRON MAIDEN's Post-POWER TRIP Plans: Fans Will Be 'Happy'
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|||| 28 сен 2015

BRUCE DICKINSON: 'The Better The Musician That You Are, The Easier It Is To Make Soulless, Rubbish Music'

Shad of CBC Radio One's arts and culture program "Q" recently conducted an interview with IRON MAIDEN singer Bruce Dickinson. You can now watch the chat below. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow (transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET).

On the lyrical themes covered on IRON MAIDEN's new album, "The Book Of Souls":

"I don't think we could get into huge concepts… Well, we didn't get into huge concepts on the album. Every song was its own little world. And there's only two of us in the band, really, that write lyrics — myself and Steve [Harris, IRON MAIDEN bassist]. So, generally, if Steve co-writes a song, he tends to write the lyrics, unless he writes the song with me, in which case I'll probably write the lyrics, or we may write between us or whatever. So four out of the ten or eleven songs are my lyrics and the rest of them are Steve's. You know, his lyrics have changed over the years, and, obviously, 'cause I've been singing them, I've noticed the way that his use of language has started to change and the more, kind of, personal nature of some of the subject matter has become a little bit more… There's a little bit more nakedness going on there.

"I think, as we've been going down the track — yeah, we're all getting older and everything and all the rest of it — we've lost a few friends along the way. I mean, some of them were in quite early days — back in the '80s — but recently the rate of loss, sadly, tends to accelerate the further down the track you go. And I think people start to feel their own mortality a bit and you start to bring that into the music a little bit. As I say, I don't wanna do too much talking about his words, 'cause they're his words, but I sing them, so I do get a kind of a vibe off them that's a little bit different on this record."

On IRON MAIDEN's musical evolution over the years:

"The trouble is, when you inhabit being in a band like MAIDEN and you see what the individual musicians are actually capable of, when they're just messing around and not being recorded, you think, 'Wow! There's so much more stuff that we could do.' It's just a question of getting us to do it all at once in the right place at the right time, with the right kind of feel, and just capture that. And that's the problem — albums don't come around that often these days. Getting everybody together in one place in the right mood… And it really is down to stuff like that. If you look at bands' early careers — I mean, everybody from… you know, major bands — they crack out one, two, three, maybe four records maybe in as many years or less, and that stuff is — if they're really successful — that will be the bedrock of the next twenty-five years, if they carry on for that long; they'll still be playing some of those songs twenty-five years later, because that's it. And after that, it's extremely hard — it gets kind of exponentially hard — to create that same excitement. So you either have to wait thirty years before you do a record or something else like that… But if you want to keep doing records, it's very hard to come up with things that feel genuinely different. Most times, it's because it's about an emotional state which everybody has to be in — everybody has to lock in and [be] in synch and the sound has to be right and everything has to be… so that you can just play in a way that sounds special in a relaxed and, sort of, human way. It's easy to make stuff, kind of, by numbers, and it gets easier the better you are. The better the musician that you are, the easier it is to make soulless, rubbish music. If you take a bunch of kids that are playing right at the edge of their abilities, there'll be an excitement and an energy that comes off them that the old duffers in the next-door studio just won't be able to replicate. So the key is, how do you get the old duffers in the next-door studio that have got all the chops to actually get the essence and the feeling and the soul back into it. I mean, in the case of somebody like THE ROLLING STONES, they take six months to do a record… We don't really have that luxury. I suppose we do, but, to be honest with you, I'd get bored if I was doing that — I really would. [I'd go], 'C'mon, guys!' You know? But, on this one, we did a little bit of jiggling around, a little bit a change of pace, a change of attitude, a change of studio... A great studio, a really comfortable old-school vibe… old-school vibe with all the new technology available, but it was all behind the curtains, so you could just pretend it didn't exist. We even had tape machines in there — old 24-track tape machines and things. There was no tape on them, but they were just there, so you could kind of look and go, 'Ah, I feel really comfy now. I think I'm back in, like, 1978.' And that just adds to the whole atmosphere."

MAIDEN's sixteenth — and first-ever double — studio album, "The Book Of Souls", was released worldwide on September 4 through Parlophone Records (BMG in the U.S.A). The CD was recorded in Paris, France with producer Kevin "Caveman" Shirley in late 2014, with the finishing touches added earlier this year.

IRON MAIDEN announced in May that touring plans to support the album wouldn't happen until 2016 to allow Dickinson time to fully recuperate after his successful cancer treatment.

BRUCE DICKINSON: 'The Better The Musician That You Are, The Easier It Is To Make Soulless, Rubbish Music'


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28 сен 2015
Это он про свой последний альбом?
28 сен 2015
Ну да, это он намекает, что музыканты Iron Maiden, лучшие в своем деле.
28 сен 2015
В последнее время Брюс (в этой новостной ленте) лидирует по количеству слов, под которыми можно подписаться. «Чем лучше ты становишься как музыкант, тем проще тебе создавать бездушную и никудышную музыку». Как просто и правдиво сказано. Примеров столько, что можно и не приводить. Не иронизирую по поводу самих Мейденов (они-то как раз постарались). Просто это действительно так. Да и не только в искусстве, пожалуй. В любой отрасли - чем больше профессионализма, накатанных рельс - тем меньше красок и души.
28 сен 2015
Просто Брюс одни популистские фразы кидает, вот и остальные восхищаются тем, какой Брюс клевый.
28 сен 2015
Суть этой фразы не популистская. Таковы надоевшие фразы про: деньги, коммерцию, "они продались", жажду наживы - и тому подобное. Как только посредственный альбом - со всех сторон только и слышно, что музыканты захотели срубить бабла. Надоело смертельно.

А тут указывается совершенно другой взгляд на вещи, неожиданный и заставляющий задуматься. Плохо - не потому что продались. Плохо - потому что "слишком хорошо", так сказать.
28 сен 2015
"""""Плохо - потому что "слишком хорошо""""""

Это мантра для всех фэнов Ириши Майденовой вот уже лет 15 )))
28 сен 2015
Надо бы запомнить эту фразу.
28 сен 2015
YNWA, ты же не хочешь тут всем нам сказать, что последние 5 альбом IM говно ?)
8 мар 2016
Нет не говно ...они просто никакие...да здорово сыграно спето записано но вообще никак на память не ложится ни одна песня....последний альбом крутил нон стопом в машине неделю..да качественно да здорово но вообще никак!!!!и Брюс про это и говорит ...и походу сам это понимает прекрасно...

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