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29 май 2024 : 
DAVID ELLEFSON On His Time With MEGADETH: 'I'm Lucky That I Had That Experience'

29 май 2024 : 
See Behind-The-Scenes Video From MEGADETH's First 2024 Concert In Buenos Aires, Argentina

22 май 2024 : 
Five MEGADETH Concerts On Spring 2024 Latin American Tour Grossed Total Of $4 Million

21 май 2024 : 
TEEMU MÄNTYSAARI On New MEGADETH Music: 'We're Gonna Start Talking About Putting Some Ideas Together'

15 май 2024 : 
Go Behind The Scenes Of MEGADETH's Concert In Paraguay During 'Crush The World' Spring 2024 Latin American Tour

7 май 2024 : 
DAVE MUSTAINE On Future Of Metal: 'As Long As People Make Good Records, There's Nothing To Worry About'

5 май 2024 : 
Watch Video Report On MEGADETH's Concert In El Salvador

2 май 2024 : 
MEGADETH Release Recap Video For Crush The World Tour: Monterrey, Mexico

30 апр 2024 : 
MEGADETH Visits Astronomical Observatory In Chile

29 апр 2024 : 
Watch MEGADETH's Entire São Paulo, Brazil Concert During Spring 2024 'Crush The World' Tour

26 апр 2024 : 
MEGADETH Release Recap Video For Crush The World Tour: Bogota, Colombia

24 апр 2024 : 
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23 апр 2024 : 
MEGADETH's DIRK VERBEUREN Shares 'Mechanix' Drum-Cam Video From Buenos Aires Concert

22 апр 2024 : 
See Behind-The-Scenes Video From MEGADETH's Concert In Peru

18 апр 2024 : 
Watch: MEGADETH Performs Three-Song Acoustic Set Outside Buenos Aires Hotel

17 апр 2024 : 
MEGADETH Share Recap Video From Crush The World Tour Stops In Buenos Aires, Argentina

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MEGADETH's DAVE MUSTAINE: TEEMU MÄNTYSAARI Is The Guitarist 'I've Been Looking For For A Very Long Time'

15 апр 2024 : 
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14 апр 2024 : 
MEGADETH's DAVE MUSTAINE: 'Killing Is My Business' Was 'So Ahead Of Its Time That People Didn't Really Understand It'

11 апр 2024 : 
Watch 4K Video Of MEGADETH's Concert In Santiago During Spring 2024 South American Tour

10 апр 2024 : 

8 апр 2024 : 
MEGADETH's DAVE MUSTAINE On Singing About Political Issues: 'I Don't Try And Tell People In My Songs What To Do'

7 апр 2024 : 
Watch: MEGADETH Kicks Off 2024 South American Tour In Lima, Peru

27 фев 2024 : 
New MEGADETH Guitarist TEEMU MÄNTYSAARI: 'I Never Thought Something Like This Would Happen To Me'

26 фев 2024 : 
GUS G. On Being Approached To Audition For MEGADETH: 'That Was A Discussion That Basically Didn't Go Anywhere'

24 фев 2024 : 
DAVE MUSTAINE Blasts Musicians Who Think They're 'Better Than Other People': 'We're All The Same'
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|||| 1 окт 2023

DAVE MUSTAINE On His Acrimonious Relationship With Some Ex-MEGADETH Members: 'People That Get Fired Are Very Rarely Happy That They Got Fired'

In a new interview with Riff X's "Metal XS", MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine spoke about the acrimonious relationship that exists between him and some of the former members of the band, including musicians who have not played with him for decades. He said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "I think you've gotta look at the whole story. People that get fired are very rarely happy that they got fired. Sometimes they're happy they got fired because they didn't want to have to quit but they don't wanna work there anymore and they needed a reason to quit.

"We've had a lot of people that have been playing with us over the years and we've maintained our friendships, and there are a couple that are very bitter, and usually the story has been played out in the press from when it happens in reality and then how long a person will keep bringing up those old stories," he continued. "Usually, they bring up stuff about me or about MEGADETH whenever they've got a new project or they've got some concerts coming up or a new record, they'll try and pick a fight with me. And I just figure, a dog with no teeth barks the loudest. So, I don't really let people that complain about us or talk shit about our performance abilities or the songs that we write matter.

"The guys that we've been able to maintain friendships with, and there's a lot of them, we've been able to discuss why things happened the way that they did. I miss Gar [Samuelson], I miss Nick [Menza]. Chris Poland and I, we settled things and there's no problems there. The second lineup with Jeff [Young] and Chuck [Behler], Chuck and I are really close, and I've always said I thought that Jeff Young was a good performer. The ultimate lineup that everybody likes is the 'Rust In Peace' lineup with Nick and Marty [Friedman]. And you see how Marty and I [are]; we just played together. So, you have to look at the guys that are talking badly about me and say, 'Okay, there's more to this story.' 'Cause if you go up to Jimmy DeGrasso or to Al Pitrelli or any of those guys, I'm sure they'd say the same thing, that we had a good run together. I got a get-well message from Shawn Drover when I had made the announcement that I had cancer. I only know of maybe one or two people from our past that have any problems with our band. And usually they won't say anything about the other guys; they'll say it about me. And believe it or not, there are more people in the press that have a problem with me than any bands out there.

"We just did a show recently, and I just got done saying that I had bronchitis," Mustaine added. "And we got a review, and the guy did a pretty fair review; I think that he gave us three and a half stars, and I think I probably should have got less for how my voice sounded because I was sick. Now, that wasn't fair to the band, 'cause the band, they played great. And I think that was kind of one of the sheep that follows the other band, that just don't like me because of who I played with before MEGADETH, you know? And that's sad sometimes because I don't think it's fair for the band guys to have to experience other people's bitterness because they follow the other band. 'Cause there's a lot of people that don't like MEGADETH or don't like me, and they don't even know me. And that's kind of funny to me, but it's also sad 'cause I would hate to miss out on really great music.

"I heard a band today on TV, and it was on a French channel. I would not normally have ever watched it, and I'd seen their name a lot. And I never realized how fucking cool they were. I'm not gonna say their name because I wanna make sure it's more than just one song, because I'd hate for them to have a song about, you know, going out and killing baby seals or something. [Laughs]"

MEGADETH has already played more than half a dozen concerts with new touring guitarist Teemu Mäntysaari (WINTERSUN, SMACKBOUND). Teemu is filling in for the band's longtime axeman Kiko Loureiro, who announced earlier this month that he would sit out the next leg of MEGADETH's "Crush The World" tour in order to stay home with his children back in Finland.

MEGADETH played its first show with Mäntysaari on September 6 at Revel in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The 36-year-old Mäntysaari was born in Tampere, Finland and began playing guitar at the age of 12. In 2004, he joined the band WINTERSUN. He has also been a member of SMACKBOUND since 2015.

In April 2015, it was announced that Loureiro had joined MEGADETH, replacing Chris Broderick, who had left the band five months earlier.

In addition to Mustaine andLoureiro, MEGADETH's current lineup includes former SOILWORK drummer Dirk Verbeuren and bassist James LoMenzo.


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1 окт 2023
"La Mort Appelle Tous Les Vivants" от французской группы BARABBAS!
1 окт 2023
>а есть несколько человек, которые очень обижены, и обычно эта история обыгрывается в прессе с того момента, когда она происходит в реальности, а затем в течение того времени, сколько человек будет продолжать вспоминать эти старые истории
Черт, кого же мне это напоминает... Вот точно был какой-то уволенный музыкант, который не может перестать вспоминать свою старую группу, хм... Ничего в голову не приходит.
1 окт 2023
ElectricRetard, наверняка это Удо Даунинг :-I
Like!6  Dislike!1
1 окт 2023
ElectricRetard, макс Кавалера, конечно же!
1 окт 2023
Действительно, лучше просто слушать (или - по желанию - не слушать) музыку какой-то конкретной группы и не читать все это, ибо подобные этому откровения - классика в жизни любого обывателя.
А касательно самого Мастейна, в его же опусе, жирный намек на самого себя вырисовывается, и отсыл к токсичности Янга по поводу Дейва никак личность самого Мастейна не реабилитирует глобально, а скорее подчеркивают: печальный саксафон в ночи - 1983 год / наши дни.
Like!3  Dislike!1
1 окт 2023
читая рыжего, всегда вспоминается великая цитата из Гришковца "... как только тебя обидели первый раз, ты тут же научишься обижать других". Вот это точно про дейвушку - анальная рана, нанесенная теннисистом и ковбоем, бередит ему душу и заставляет обижать других.
1 окт 2023
-> that just don't like me because of who I played with before MEGADETH, you know
мастер иносказательности!
1 окт 2023
Интересно он помирился с Jimmy DeGrasso или у них по прежнему война ? я не находил ни какой инфы за последнее время от него а Jimmy DeGrasso вообще вроде завязал с музыкой и интервью не даёт
1 окт 2023
olly71, что за война?
2 окт 2023
Jack of Diamonds, мастейн очень жёстко отозвался о жене DeGrasso которая лезла не туда куда ей можно. Самого Джимми тогда рядом не было и ему это передали третьи лица. Возможно преукрасив. DeGrasso сказал что если когда нибудь встретит Мастейна то первым делом набьёт ему лицо. Правда это было 20 лет назад и они могли давно всё уладить но я больше не встречал никакой инфы об их отношениях.
2 окт 2023
Во есть бывшие, которые прочно ассоциируются с бывшей группой. Мегадэйв же вообще с Металликой никаких сильных ассоциаций не вызывает.

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